We got the My Hero Academia Chapter 380 full summary and spoilers, and we are coming up with a two-week break here, with this chapter really not addressing what happened in the previous one, I guess, with all of the Izuku vs Shigaraki stuff, but then again there is a lot of stuff going on at the moment, and lot of “other” stuff is being addressed in this chapter.
The chapter begins with Gentle, who is saying that his quirk has already reached its peak and he cannot use more powerful attacks anymore, or maybe no attack anymore in the fight, and this is the reason why the flying trampoline is about to be undone. While on either hand, La Brava asks him to hang on just a little longer, because what she was trying to do is almost ready with the all-new program.
So I think it was two chapters back when we see Kurugiri warping himself to UA and he wound up knowing over Aizawa and Monoma, who were easing Shigaraki slash All For One quirk, and once he was able to use his quirks he caused like a massive explosion inside of UA, which cause it to start falling and I guess there was not really anyone available to help with that immediate situation until out of nowhere Gentle showed up.
It turns out that he had his full redemption and was allowed to help out in the war but he was also being super boosted by La Brava’s love. So he is Super Sayan at this moment, and he used his quirk to make an air trampoline to hold UA up, seemingly saving the day.
My Hero Academia Chapter 380 Spoilers
Now, we are coming back to that sequence, because we see that he is saying to LaBrava that you know he is at his limit, but Gentle then starts to reflect that there is no one that is as of now documenting this battle, but in order to do the right thing, they must have to do what should be done. At the same time, he sees a group of students from some other course, maybe a business course starts filming them.

Gentle advises them by saying that it is very dangerous for them to be this close to the edge of the island like thing, and requests them to go back to the UA, but one of the students, who have giant hair was so busy narrating how a hero who was a villain before on the other side of the rods, and how he decided to fight for the mankind.
In order to get his attention, Gentle shouts to him, but the boy shouts back and says that the reason why society is losing faith in the heroes is might because of their fault, and they are failing to make an even better public image for them. And this was the major reason why they are filming this whole battle to grab the audience’s attention back to the real heroes.
Later we see La Brava’s voice come out of the cell phones of the students, who say that what he says to them was a really amazing thing, everyone in the world must have this type of mentality. She then adds that she was able to hack his phone because the firewall in his phone was very weak, and he should continue filming this amazing fight because everyone should know how amazing their hero Gentle is.
Afterward, it becomes apparent that La Brava has begun broadcasting live streams on different websites using the recorded footage. Additionally, she has successfully finished setting up the new security system and restored UA’s floating ability, leading Gentle to commend her for her accomplishments.

Despite the situation appearing to improve, a clone of Twice commands to “eliminate the heroes.” It’s at this moment that we witness them forcibly removing Aizawa from UA, Mic valiantly leaps to catch him, but they both fall through a portal, while Kurogiri experiences persistent glitches.
That really is interesting, this is for sure setting up their final battle in the series, which I guess is going to be present between Mic and Aizawa, trying to defeat Korogiri, with talk no jutsu, and bring him back to Shirakumo.
Kaminari mentions that it appears Kurogiri saved them from their fall, but Mandalay reminds them that this means they have also lost Erasure, a critical asset in their fight against the League of Villains. Despite this setback, they resolve to continue fighting and have faith in their eventual victory.
The narrative then transitions to a scene where we observe the support course filming the intense battle between Deku and Shigaraki.
Returning to Gunga, All For One confesses that his original intention was to have complete control over Shigaraki’s body from the start. However, the process of merging their consciousnesses and creating a new persona was a result of Tomura’s violent tendencies being stronger than All For One had anticipated.

There is no need to panic, according to All For One, because all he has to do is make Shigaraki’s body absorb the “quirk factor” from his original body in order for him to gain absolute control. All For One attempt to take flight once more to head to U.A. to fulfill his mission, but his path is blocked by Hawks.
That is it, that explains why he needs to be there in person, which I guess we assumed had to be something like this, and All For One, of course revealing that he was supposed to initially just fully take over Shigaraki, there wasn’t supposed to be this whole thing, where he battles for consciousness, because it was revealed in the previous chapter that Shigaraki knew, that All For One is going to or take him over.
So, as he said he did his core deep down inside of his soul, and bit by bit, without All For One noticing started reclaiming himself from the inside out, and that is why we see that fragment of Tenko being locked away, in their subconscious. So in order for All For One to stop this and fully take him over, he needs Shigaraki’s body, like absorb the current body that All For One has, which is like rewinding away at the moment because it has the original All For One quirk factor in it.
This is very interesting because I thought that they said that Shigaraki had the original All For One, but maybe there is a process that separates the Quirk itself from the Quirk factor. To be honest, we don’t really know too much about the science behind all of this stuff, like Yujiko perform his experiments.
Hawks refuse to allow All For One to proceed, asserting that this is their fight to win for future generations. To stall All For One, he attempts a fake attack by feinting with his sword and then boosting it with his feathers, but it proves to be ineffective. All For One mocks Hawks and retaliates by unleashing an attack that annihilates Hawks’ bodies.

After Hawks is brutally attacked and seemingly defeated, Tokoyami lets out a cry of despair as it seems like all is lost. However, there is a sudden shift in the scene when we witness Hawks appear with a radiant and stunning aura around him, along with large, dazzling eyes, and surrounded by roses. He speaks with a humorous tone and says, “Ouch, I was so eager to see you that I flew too quickly,” before dissolving into a mist.
The situation was quite precarious, as replicating all of his charismatic energy was a daunting task, but Camie steps in to join the battle. She makes a lighthearted comment, stating that his level of coolness was so high that it was incredibly challenging to match.
In the midst of the chaos, we witness Shishikura employing his unique ability to protect himself and others from All For One’s attack by using his strange, meat-like appendages.
He explains that their initial mission was to safeguard the civilians, but the sudden turn of events has made the situation graver. Nevertheless, they are determined to fulfill their duty, and with those words, Shiketsu arrives on the scene.
The last double-page spread depicts Inasa utilizing his unique quirk to send all of the clones created by Twice flying and congregating them in a single spot. He boldly declares that All For One believed that fate was on his side, but it is Inasa who truly controls the winds of destiny. The chapter ends with this dramatic proclamation.
This is exciting, and it is continuing the trend that the last couple of chapters have had, where it is like we are having a huge problem here… do not worry I am a character we have seen previously in the series and I am gonna randomly show up in the nick of time and the problem that you guys have.
My Hero Academia Chapter 380 Release Date and Where To Read
As we have mentioned earlier, we saw a two weeks break in the release schedule of our favorite shonen manga series, and now the next chapter is scheduled to be released on February 20, 2023. You can read the upcoming as well as the previous releases of My Hero Academia directly on Viz Media.
- EST (Eastern Standard Time): 09:30 pm on February 20, 2023
- PST (Pacific Standard Time): 06:30 pm on February 20, 2023
- CST (Central Standard Time): 08:30 pm on February 20, 2023
- JST (Japan Standard Time): 11:30 am on February 21, 2023
- GMT (Greenwich Mean Time): 02:30 am on February 21, 2023
- IST (India Standard Time): 08:00 am on February 21, 2023
- PKT (Pakistan Standard Time): 09:30 am on February 21, 2023
- CET (Central European Time): 03:30 am on February 21, 2023
- ACDT (Australian Central Daylight Time): 12:00 pm on February 21, 2023
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