The Demon King’s Daughter Is Way Too Easy Chapter 50 is just about to release. After witnessing the start of the new adventure of our beautiful Hel, along with her hero servants, where they are trying their level best to cross the border checkpoint, things are getting more and more exciting to read, and this is why fans are really excited to find out when the next one is going to be out.
If you are a fan of this beautiful yet scary manga series from Chiaki Tarou, and following it every week since the day it got released, and now wondering when the next one is scheduled to be released, you are at the best site to find our everything about upcoming chapter 50.
You can follow this article to find out The Demon King’s Daughter Is Way Too Easy Chapter 50 release date, spoilers, what it is going to be all about, and where you can read the same online, but before that, let us take a quick peak at the events of the previous one.
The latest chapter opens at the Human Kingdom, at the Border Checkpoint. We see. that Hel and the group are hiding in the bushes, trying to figure out how they can pass the gatekeeper, although, at the same time, Hero says that according to Dame Amora’s report, the guard that is standing in from of the gate is easily manipulatable.
The Demon King’s Daughter Is Way Too Easy Chapter 49 Recap
Later in the chapter, Hero comes up with an idea, according to which, if the girls in their group somehow titillate him, they can easily pass the gate without any difficulty. He adds by saying that Dame Amora was quite an experienced and skilled general in her past, and if she believes that titillating him is the only option they have, they must do the same.

When Hel hesitates to do so, Hero, on the other hand, changes his clothes and says that everyone must do it without any excuse to simply pass up on a guaranteed approach. When Hel is just trying to approach Electra and is about to tell her to put some sense in Hero, she finds out that both of them are already all set to work on the plan.
Hero says to Hel that it is the war, and she is their leader. It is her duty to pick the means they use if they wish to achieve victory, and failed strategy is something those under her command pay for with their lives, if it actually comes to it, and that will hurt her credibility, unavoidably, she should seek victory with any necessary means.

This was when Hel accept to work on the strategy and said that he could not be more right. After that, when everyone was all set, they went through the gate one by one without any difficulty. When it was Hel’s turn, and the gatekeeper tried to harass her, Justy showed up who was in the girl’s costume, by the way, and said that they were a traveling troupe of show dancers and asked him if they could just slip on in.
The Demon King’s Daughter Is Way Too Easy Chapter 50 Release Date
The upcoming The Demon King’s Daughter Is Way Too Easy. Chapter 50 is scheduled to be released in the first week of May 2023.
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Where To Read The Demon King’s Daughter Is Way Too Easy Chapter 50
You can read the upcoming The Demon King’s Daughter Is Way Too Easy Chapter 50 on Mangacross, in the raw format. Unfortunately, there is not any way to read The Demon King’s Daughter Is Way Too Easy with the official English translation at this moment, but considering the recent boom of the romantic comedy manga series, we can hope to see one soon.
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