Fire Emblem is a strategy RPG. You have turn-based battles that take place on a grid where you need to exploit your enemy through tactics and also through weaponry. Whether that’s magic or swords, spears, or axes, everything has a weakness and a little bit of resistance, depending on the circumstances.
And there are different fantastical ways to blow your enemies away and various fashions, especially with this game Fire Emblem Engaged. If you are new to the Fire Emblem franchise, or maybe Three Houses was your first one, you don’t have much experience with it.
And even if you are a seasoned Fire Emblem vent, there will be some new information that’s been revealed about the game with the previews and other things that you can know about. So I think it’ll be awesome for everyone involved.
Now let’s go into the talk about when the game is coming out and also what Fire Emblem is. We will also be talking about if Fire Emblem engages a good starting point for newcomers or newbies to the franchise.
Fire Emblem Release Date
Fire Emblem Engage will be released on 20 January 2023. Fire Emblem Engage has a big story and all sorts of side content and other things to do. But I feel that the core content that comes in Fire Emblem engaged from all the different previews I’ve read and the videos that I’ve seen, and all the new footage that’s being uploaded, is definitely a great starting point for newcomers.

The story itself is probably the biggest thing that people want to know about. You guys have seen the different characters in this game. You would have seen Marth, Roy, and Ike. Obviously, a lot of you guys have seen these characters in previous games or know that they come from previous fireman games.
So that automatically puts up a barrier saying, “well, wait a minute, I don’t know that character. I don’t know what his adventure was like. Why not be able to play this game?” And that is not the case at all. This game has its own self-contained story with brand-new characters.
So there are brand new characters, there’s a brand new story, and these previous characters play a part, a vital part, into that story. But it is somewhat of like a shadow or like a JoJo stand, right? They’re not actually there in the flesh as a character.
Your character has these emblem rings, or your characters have these emblem rings, and they can equip them as they see fit. So they take a little bit of a backseat, but a very big supporting role to the actual characters that are there where you can talk to, and you can level up and support, that can equip these emblem rings.
So it is not something to where you need to know every single thing about Marth or every single thing about Mike or Micaiah or any of these characters in order to enjoy the story and play the game. And I think that it’s very important for newcomers to know that you can just play this game and enjoy it. And you’ll learn about these previous game characters, which we’ll talk about in just a bit not.
Multiple Difficulty Options
Another thing that was revealed recently is the difficulty levels. There are three separate difficulty levels in this game, and I know a lot of you guys have already heard about how punishing Fire Emblem can be, especially with its permanent death option. But I want to break down exactly how that works for newcomers.

So there is going to be a Normal, Hard, and Lunatic difficulty. Lunatic is for the insane people out there. It’s pretty much just that, and it is crazy. It is just way too difficult, and you probably don’t wanna play that from the beginning. That’s First Seasoned Fire Emblem Hardcore fans only.
Now that I don’t even play it on my first run on that difficulty. I usually go for the hard difficulty, which will be there right there at launch, Hard difficulty, and then there’s Normal as well.
Now from what I’m thinking based on just the atmosphere and style of the game: What can you do with the emblem rings and the type of power this game has? What I’m guessing is that the Lunatic difficulty is more of the Super hard difficulty. The Hard difficulty is the normal-ish hard difficulty, and the Normal mode is pretty much the Easy mode in the game. So you should be good no matter what skill level you are.
I’m almost positive that Normal mode with what you can do in this game is going to be fairly easy, or just enough to where you’ll get some resistance, but it won’t be too much of a problem to go through and beat the game. Plus, the game has tons of tools for you to level up for you to boost you to just get better there.
Now, another thing that a lot of people like to ask about is the Permanent Death option. So if a character falls in battle, they’re pretty much gone, they’re dead in the whole game, and you don’t get them back. Now there are two options here. You can have the Casual, and you can have the Classic. Now the Classic is exactly that, the old Fire Emblem games before the team made it to where once that person fell in battle, they are done.
But now what you can do is that if you put it on Casual, you can actually make it to where your units come back after that mission is done. So it’s a great way to play for those who don’t want to have to worry about their teammates dying.
Because, once again, once they’re gone for the rest of the game. Now, I personally play it in the Classic mode because it really brings up the tension and makes sure that I try to make the best moves available. But if one of my units falls in battle, I just restart the mission.

Once again, some people don’t like that, but it’s just based on how you like to play. I personally like to have that whole mindset of “I’m gonna try to fight and do what I gotta do to make sure that my unit doesn’t fall, but if it does, the penalty is restarting the whole chapter.” So however you wanna play, you can do that.
You can play it on the Casual if you want and just have it to where they come back. Or you can try it out on classic and just go through it if you want. So if somebody falls, you just keep playing, or if you want, you can restart the chapter. So there are many different options out there for people. And once again, one of the reasons why it’s a good starting point for first-timers or newbies to get into it.
Quality Of Life & UI Upgrade
Now let’s talk about some other stuff here because of the quality of life and the UI updates; these are all things that are gonna make playing Fire Emblem so much more approachable and easy and newcomer friendly than previous games. Now sometimes it can be very confusing to kind of see exactly what you have and what you can do in a Fire Emblem game or what equipment your character is using.
Now in Fire Emblem engages, everything is streamlined so much better. You can easily get right into what equipment your fighter has. You can see what’s going on on the bottom banner of the map. You don’t have to go through menus and navigate. So this, with the UI improvements in terms of just visually how it looks, not as small and stuff like that, really creates an inviting, vibrant, and good atmosphere for newcomers to just get right into it.

And I’m really impressed with what they’re doing here because as Fire Emblem gained some popularity, these are the type of things that you have to do. Three houses are the best-selling Fire Emblem game of all time, and Fire Emblem Engage has an opportunity to actually surpass it with a lot of this stuff that they’re doing with this game.
New Things That’s Just Fun
Now, it’s something that I like to do is a little bit of slang, but I’m saying here RPG Sauce, and that is the emblem rings and the engage attacks. These are pretty much-broken attacks that you can really just wreak havoc on the battlefield, but it creates fun, and it creates things for newcomers that are exciting and wants to pull them in.
It’s flashy; it just creates more of a buzz with the game. And that’s these engage attacks with these emblem rings. For a few turns, if you initiate it, you fuse with your emblem ring one of the heroes from the past, and you can do crazy damage or have great abilities or teleport on the map, or just do all sorts of stuff, do crazy types of healing.
It’s great for newcomers, and of course, it’s great for returning fans that want something a little bit different from the franchise. Because we’ve never seen anything like this in a Fire Emblem game. So I do like the fact that they’re adding something like this that’s flashy, and also, it’s just fun for new people to get right into.
More Straightforward & Simplified
Now another thing is that this game is gonna have far fewer confusing aspects about it. Fire Emblem Three Houses really stacked the mechanics on mechanics, especially with the teacher teaching aspect. Now that aspect can be fast-forwarded, it can be skipped, and you don’t have to do that in Three Houses. But it’s still all there with all those menus and all that.

Now they’ve replaced all of that stuff with less of an emphasis on talking to your teammates in between battles and doing all sorts of teaching and tasks and stuff like that. And they replaced it with doing preparation stuff. So you can still talk to your teammates, and you can still have support conversations. That’s a staple of Fire Emblem games in order to get a boost.
But now you can do mini-games on your own. Push-ups, you can do squats, you can play flying shooting mini-game, can go fishing. These are all things that have kind of replaced some of the side stuff. And that emphasis and focus have been put on the combat and the story of the game.
In a singular path, you don’t have three paths to pick from, which automatically could confuse some newcomers. Saying, “oh, which path is the best path? Which one should I do? Is there a right or wrong or a bad ending or a good ending? There’s just one here, so it’s a singular game.
So newcomers can just hop in and not have to worry about maybe not liking a certain path or character later down the line when it’s just one story to really just focus on. And most Fire Emblem games are like that, but it’s nice to have it here in a big new mainline Fire Emblem game.
This could Lead You To Play Other Games In The Franchise.
Now next up is something that kind of happens, maybe even during or after you are done beating the game. Once you play the game and you have these emblem rings, you see all these heroes from the past, and maybe you read a little bit of information in the game about them; this could actually lead to you playing other Fire Emblem games.
So you say, “Hey, well, I like Marth, or I like Roy, or I like this character,” and you learn about their game. They say, “OK, well, maybe I wanna play the game that they’re from.” So I think that’s also another reason why it’s a great starting point because it really introduces you to so many of the heroes of past Fire Emblem games.

So if you haven’t played Fire Emblem Three Houses and you play this game, and you really like Byleth as an emblem ring, you might wanna go play Fire Emblem Three Houses. Or if you like Corrin, you might wanna go check out Fire Emblem Fates, the games that these characters come from. So I think that’s also a great launching or starting point for people just getting into Fire Emblem.
So I think that overall there are so many good things about this game that we hear about. Nintendo’s putting out so much more content, and they’re really starting to push Fire Emblem Engage, and that is great to hear as Fire Emblem was on its deathbed not too long ago back before Fire Emblem Awakening came out and saved the franchise. So it’s good to hear that more people are excited and looking forward to Fire Emblem. And I cannot wait to get my hands on Fire Emblem Engaged.
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