Avalanche Software’s new Hogwarts Legacy is gaining a lot of appreciation in the gaming industry. We shared some tips on how to unlock the locks in the Harry Potter game, Hogwarts Legacy. Today we will look at another fun element of Hogwarts Legacy, beasts. RAWR! Do beasts roar? Let us know in the comments below what is an apt onomatopoeia for beasts!
Until then, let us talk more about the beasts of Hogwarts Legacy. The Hogwarts Legacy game has 13 beasts to offer. That is quite a good chunk if you ask us. These beasts can help you make valuables which you can further use to polish and upgrade your gear game. So, they are indeed quite important to get hold of.
There are 13 different animals that can be found in total throughout the game. Twelve of the thirteen beasts in Hogwarts Legacy are capable of being bred. Considering it is rare, the Phoenix is the only variety in the video game that cannot be bred. You will be challenged to spot a Phoenix in the mission “Phoenix Rising” later in the game.
Beasts: Types, Specialties, and How to Grab Them
Let us introduce you to different kinds of beasts that the video game has. Followed by ways you can obtain them.
These are stout birds. One of those birds that cannot fly. Their strong suit is to go poof. We mean, disappear in times of danger. Not like they are cowards. But just that, their power of invisibility can help them get away from the threat.

How to Get the Bird?
Diricawls are always loitering around the West Hogwarts Alley Foo Flame. You will have to add Arresto Momentus or Glacious to your Nab-Sack. Either of these spells can prevent the little devils from teleporting from place to place with their invisibility. You’ll need to be quick using your Nab-Sack! Else they can disappear the closer you get to them.
Fwoopers chirp a song that can exasperate you to the core. These birds give you their Fwooper Feathers, just like the Diricawl beasts. Likewise, their feathers also help you up your gear game and build traits.

How to Get the Bird?
You will see a lot of Fwooper birds in Marunweem. It takes quite a bit of tolerance to seize a Fwooper because they tend to fly off. We strongly advise you to put on the Disillusionment Charm to get close to them without their detecting you.
When you’re close enough, throw a good Levioso spell to freeze them in their spots. And quickly grab your Nab-Sack to catch them.
Giant Purple Toads
These beasts are new looking. Don’t go by the looks! They are very precious. Giant Purple Toads are considered pets in the Hogwarts Legacy world. They supply you with Toad Warts. These magical toads can be used to craft new potions.

How to Get the Toad?
Giant Purple Toads are scattered in the West Forbidden Forest. Grabbing these bad boys is fairly easy than the rest of the beasts in town. They, too, will try to escape at the sign of danger. But they are tortoises when it comes to escaping.
Just get your Nab-Sack, and voila!
Graphorns are hostile, huge, and buff, with horns on their head to yank you away. They provide you with their precious horns just like elephants sacrifice their ivory tusks. Their horns can make really good gear.

How to Get the Beast?
These wild critters are loitering a lot near the Southern Calgmar Coast. Since these are ferocious creatures, they will head on attacking you when you are near them, attempting to get hold of them. This means you will have to get into a fight before you can get the beast in your control.
Stand on higher platforms when attacking Graphorn. If you are being attacked and are vulnerable, you can use the Confringo or the Expelliarmus spell to heal. Keep attacking until the Graphorn’s health is zero. And then unleash your Nab-Sack to capture it.
Hippogriffs are like Centaurs, except that the front is not a man. The front of a Hippogriff is an eagle, giving them the ability to fly. Their feathers help you polish your gear too.

How to Get the Beast?
Get your hands on Hippogriffs at the Feldcroft. You will need to use the Disillusionment Charm to avoid them flying away when you are nearing them. When close enough, use Levioso to freeze the bird’s cum horse and whip your Nab-Sack out.
Jobberknolls are quite birds. Their feathers are of immense value to boost your equipment.

How to Get the Bird?
Get your hands on one at the Upper Hogsfield and tame them the same way you would tame a Hippogriff.
Kneazles are basically wild cats with huge tails and big ears. Their strong suit is catching hold of skeptical people. A Kneazle gives you a lot of its fur to help you make good gear.

How to Get the Beast?
You will find many Kneazles in Irondale. Kneazles, being the cats they are, are super annoying to get hold of. You will need to use the Disillusionment Charm so that you are not visible to them. Once in range, you can use your Nab-Sack and catch them.
These are our favorites! Mooncalfs are the cutest little shy creatures with big eyes. These babies are only seen at night. Their fur helps you upgrade your equipment.

How to Get the Beast?
Mooncalfs are too cute to be called beasts, in our opinion. You can spot them in the Pitt-upon-Ford. Catching them is similar to catching the other naïve and simple beasts.
A Niffler is another one of our favorites after Mooncalfs. Nifflers are playful little creatures who have little pouches like kangaroos to store precious items. Stolen precious items, shh. They give you fur for top-notch equipment.

How to Get the Beast?
Feldcroft Cattacomb is a go-to for a Niffler hunt. Disillusionment Charm followed by your Nab-Sack does the trick for these naughty little thieves.
We all know about these charming birds. Bright, glowy, and red, and its ability to be reborn always blow people’s minds. They make great tattoo designs! Moving on. A phoenix’s feathers can get you amazing upgrades on your wands.

How to Get the Beast?
Phoenixes are not a Hogwarts Legacy map thing. You will have to complete certain quests in order to tame a Phoenix. Clear Deek’s quests. On finishing them, you will reach Phoenix Mountain, where you will find a beautiful Phoenix for yourself. You must know the deal with the Nab-Sack by now!
Puffskeins are the pufferfishes of Hogwarts Legacy, except that they are not as pointy as the fishes. In fact, they are soft, cute, and ball-like Your gear probably is missing out on some Puffskein fur.

How to Get the Beast?
The problem with catching a Puffskein is that it is tiny. So, it would require some patience to get them. Use your Disillusionment Charm and Nab-Sack to grab ‘em.
Also Read: Why Is Hogwarts Legacy Controversial? Everything to Know
Thestrals are skeletal dinosaur cum horse-looking beasts. Their hair is very good for your equipment boost.

How to Get the Beast?
Get a hold of a Thestral in North Ford Bog. Here’s a tip. These scary beings will lie down if they are not in their alert mode. That’s the best time to use the Disillusionment and tame them.
Oh, who doesn’t love Unicorns? A classic fantasy creature. Charming and magical to its core. Unicorn foals in the game have golden coats. Their hair can do wonders for your gear upgrades.

How to Get the Beast?
Unicorns can be tricky to get your hands on. You can spot them in the Forbidden Forest. On heading there, you will need to use two spells before taking your Nab-Sack out. Start with stopping the creature in its tracks by using the Accio spell. Next, do a quick Invisibility spell and get close to the Unicorn to tame it.
We hope this detailed guide helped you catch all thirteen beats in the Harry Potter game, Hogwarts Legacy! Let us know which beast is your favorite in the comments below. Until next time, Ciao!
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