Return Of The Legendary Spear Knight Chapter 66 begins after Lord Joshua and his allies arrive at Castle Reb. This begins after Cristian encounter the Death Knight, who is awakened when he fights with the army of Undead. Joshua also learned about Isellin, and when they arrived at Castle Reb, he felt the presence of a mysterious warrior and wondered if it was what he thought.
The chapter begins with Captain Aiden entering the Castle Reb after hearing something and encountering Lord Joshua. Lord Joshua reveals that he wants to attend something and that he will meet with Captain Aiden and the others later. Joshua dashes at full speed, and Aiden realizes he wants to tell Joshua something. Later, Joshua stops on top of the magical spell and realizes it was made recently.
He wonders if he has felt Belbel’s energy and also sensed a trace of battle with someone with an aura higher A-rank. Joshua begins to investigate his surroundings and wonders why everything is perfect except the rune. He wonders if he is standing on top of Antimagic Field. Cristian was covered with a magical crystal that broke, but he was chained to the wall. Lord Joshua appears before Cristian and realizes that Cristian was caught in illusion magic.
Cristian wakes up and warns Joshua to look behind him. The Death Knight appears behind Joshua while wielding the blade. Joshua dogged, but the edge of the blade hit him. Thus begin Lord Joshua vs. Death Knight. Lord Joshua gets up and realizes that it took him a long to feel the Death Knight’s presence until he gets close to him. He looks at the Death Knight and realizes that he has never encountered one like that before. The Death Knight reveals Sword Lukia belongs to him. Lord Joshua is wielding Sword Lukia.
Previously on Return Of The Legendary Spear Knight Chapter 65
The Death Knight begins to swing while moving toward Lord Joshua. Lord Joshua blocks using Sword Lukia and realizes that his head is beginning to ache. Cristian enjoys watching Lord Joshua vs. Death Knight and wonders who is that guy who can toe to toe with Death Knight. Joshua gets excited after realizing that Death Knight wil give him a challenge.

But his eyes and teeth turn like those of a zombie with red color, and he comments that the Death Knight belongs to him. He cuts the left hand of Death Knight and comments that it is his prey. The Death Knight thought that humans were easy to battle. Joshua was exceptional. Joshua reminds the Death Knight that the first blow tells him he is unbeatable. He asks the Death Knight not to resist and die peacefully death.
The Death Knight realizes that his pride and honor is at stake and decides not to let mere human disrespect him, even on death. He wields a Wolf’s Fang Blade: Wolf’s Cry and Joshua is surprised. Meanwhile, at Swallow Imperial Palace, someone tells Emperor Verona he is too soft. The red-haired guy believes that Verona is unworthy of becoming the king. He reveals what people like him would like to do in this world, but Verona forbids them.
Verona knows that he is doing everything for the safety of people and that the red-haired guy is just a cocky warrior. The red-haired guy is Archduke Lucifer from the Swallowing Kingdom of the Great Nine Star. Emperor of Swallow Verona Vel Grace reminds Lucifer that war is for the nation’s people, including killing children and mothers, which he cannot allow as the king. He asks Lucifer if he only wants to see the world in flames.
Return Of The Legendary Spear Knight Chapter 66 Release Date
Return Of The Legendary Spear Knight Chapter 66 will be released on 17 October 2022. Lucifer believes that Verona is different and reminds him about his brother Dmero Vel Grace who would have agreed to what he is saying. Verona asks about Duke Altsma, and Lucifer reveals that Duke Altsma is dead. Lucifer decided to kill Verona. Check out Return Of The Legendary-Spear-Knight Chapter 66 updates below.

Return Of The Legendary-Spear-Knight Chapter 66 Online – Raw Details
You can read Return Of The Legendary-Spear-Knight Chapter 66 online on the official websites. Lord Joshua pierced Death Knight through his stomach, and Death Knight’s real name will be revealed in the next chapter of Return Of The Legendary-Spear-Knight. Let’s meet after Return Of The Legendary-Spear-Knight Chapter 66 is released.