Are you in search of the Lookism Chapter Release Schedule For January 2023? You landed in the right place to get your answers. Park Tae Joon’s original work, Lookism, is an action-packed comedy and drama manhwa series.
Although the story is the original work of Par, it is made in collaboration with Taejun Pak for plot lines and illustrations. The very first chapter of the webtoon series was published digitally more than eight years ago on the leading Webtoon streaming site, Naver. With later also got an anime adaptation by the Korean anime studio Mir, which globally got streamed on Netflix in the previous month.
Although Webtoon has been published for quite a long time, it recently attracted millions of fans from all around the world. As of now, the official page of the manhwa series on WebToon has more than 679.9 million views.
All About The Plot Of Lookism
The WebToon series, Lookism, follows a guy who is deemed a loser, fat, and ugly by society’s standards. He gets picked on and bullied a lot in high school, but then he wakes up in another guy’s body, who is extremely attractive, very good-looking, and fit. So that just makes him all of a sudden really likable by everyone.

Because of this, he makes new friends, and everything seems to be going really well for him. I particularly didn’t like this concept at first, and that is why I dropped it after reading the first ten chapters.
To me, it seemed a little bit shallow, and I didn’t particularly like what it was portraying, but I ended up regarding my decision, and I picked it back up, and now, it’s probably one of my favorite webtoons of all time. This is not only my story but tons of fans around the world.
While it does depict the very unrealistic kind of stereotype where pretty people get everything they want in the world, after a while, it does take that turn, where the main character starts to experience that being attractive is not all that it’s cracked up to be. He starts to get into fights, and people start to dislike him because he is attractive.
Later you get this amazing story that really shows life from two different people’s perspectives. I would say that having these characters with two different bodies does make a really interesting concept for a main character. This is because he is easily relatable to anyone depending on which body he is in.

It did solely focus on that premise at the beginning of the WebToon, it felt so superficial, so I understand why many of the fans dropped it at first. But that is definitely one aspect of this manhwa. It is an extremely long story with more than 430 Chapters so far.
But as you have been reading it, it just gets better and better. There are a lot of gang wars and internal fighting between the characters, which is always really amusing to see. It’s got such a wonderful action scene, great dynamic, and perspective with the art.
While at first, yes, the character did seem rather shallow, but obviously, as time goes on, you just get more of their backstory and just really fall in love with all of them. Even the characters that are meant to be the antagonists that you don’t really like all that much, and that is their purpose. You end up even liking them as well.
What you really end up with is this great story that is real and gritty with all these emotions in it. There are so many different characters that have so many different life struggles and just different types of issues as well, so it is really easy to appeal to a larger audience.
It really surprises me that the author hasn’t run out of ideas yet, because there is just so much in terms of content and different stories between. Just even the side character has their own little story, so I feel like each character is pretty well developed.
Some characters obviously have a lot more screen time than others, but overall, I think most of them are pretty well executed. It’s like even those small stories that were present at the beginning of the manhwa seemed to go nowhere at first, but later on, they come back and play a massive part in the story. We can say that overall, this manhwa is really enjoyable, but it does have some letdowns as well.

With the amount of content in this manhwa, of course, there are some arcs that are better than others and some which really could have probably been left out, but everything kind of fits together. The structure of the Webtoon really throws the audience off in the beginning, but they end up really liking it; it’s kind of nonsensical, in a way.
Why Are Side Stories Important In Lookism?
Instead of having this just one long, drawn-out overarching plot, which it does have, it just goes on little tangents and different storylines from different characters at random points in the manhwa, and then it will just go back to the main story at times, which I just felt disorientated at first but it also just keeps you reading it as well.
You start off by reading the main story, but then it will go off on a different tangent and another story about a different character, and while that is great, you almost feel like you want to find out what is happening in the main story, so you just keep reading it.
There is just definitely so much excitement to it if you are into that kind of story where there is a lot of gangs involved and a lot of violence and fighting. There is always a power struggle for the dominant gang in the city.
And even though it does trail off a little bit, those side stories are really important to the main story. So, if you are really into those kinds of fighting stories with a lot of different martial arts and young characters who have a lot of appeal to them, it is definitely a great manhwa to read, but just know what you are getting into.
We are not saying that the plot is anything overly original or spectacular, but what is spectacular about it is definitely the characters; you either like them or you don’t. Although I would say, it does have some original concepts and aspects to the manhwa.
For the Webtoon of this size that just has so much content, of course, not all of it is going to be original or completely well-written and perfected, but then, of course, you can have those moments of real genius and great writing.

So what I am getting at is it has its ups, it has its own, but overall the story of Lookism is just amazing. Lookism depicts a very realistic type of fighting with no fantasy elements whatsoever. It is very action-packed. It’s a great comedy that makes you laugh and cry and feel all these emotions as you go on this journey with these characters.
With a manhwa of this size, I am really impressed with how little they have reused curtain panels, and everything feels kind of unique in that sense. It is really hard to do webtoons weekly and get those chapters out, especially with how long these ones are.
Without the use of certain panels over and over again, obviously, it’s done a little bit, but you can’t really tell that much. Moral of the story; is just try something out before you drop it because something you don’t like in the first few chapters can take a surprising turn in the rest of the other four hundred chapters.
Lookism Chapter Release Schedule For January 2023
The upcoming chapter of the manhwa series, Lookism, is going to be released according to the following schedule in January 2023:
- Lookism Chapter 430: January 6, 2023
- Lookism Chapter 431: January 13, 2023
- Lookism Chapter 432: January 20, 2023
- Lookism Chapter 433: January 27, 2023
Lookism Chapter Release Times For January 2023
- Eastern Standard Time (EST): 11:00 AM
- Central Standard Time (CST): 10.00 AM
- Mountain Standard Time (MST): 5:00 PM
- Pacific Standard Time (PST): 8.00 AM
- Central European Time (CET): 5:00 PM
- Eastern European Time (EET): 6:00 PM
- Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST): 12:00 PM
- Japan Standard Time (JST): 01:00 PM
- China Standard Time (CST): 12:00 PM
- India Standard Time (IST): 04:30 PM
- Korean Standard Time (KST): 02:00 PM
- Pakistan Standard Time (PKST): 05:00 PM
How To Read Lookism In January 2023
You can read the upcoming chapters of Lookism in the month of January 2023 on the leading manhwa publishing site, WebToon. If you are still afraid of a large number of chapters of the series, you must check out our article on Why Everyone Should Read Lookism?
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