Sanji is an important character and member of Straw Hats Pirate Crew. He has been with Luffy ever since they met when Luffy was looking for a chef to become a member of his crew. But Sanji wanted to remain as a cook since he felt indebted to the OG that saved him when he was young. No one ever thought that Sanji would ever betray his Captain. We will dive into Sanji’s history during Whole Cake Island Saga: Zou Arc. Sanji is a light-skinned guy with blond hair who loves smoking cigarettes.
Since joining the crew, Sanji has been loyal to Luffy, but he has never revealed anything about his family and why his family hated him. He continued honing his cooking skills and won many cooking tournaments through the series. Sanji has also taught many pirates to cook; he can’t let a guy waste food or stay hungry. He can even cross the line and feed his enemy. Sanji was taught to treat a customer as a guest, and he must make sure he delivers the best delicious meal. Sanji has a dream to go to All Blue, and he knows that he will ac hive that dream with Luffy.
However, Sanji was not a weak cook, and he honed kicking skills that helped him during g battles. He played important roles in many battles and helped his captains worldwide even though sometimes he might be trapped by enemies who used ladies against aging him. Sanji believes that no gentle many should hurt or fight a lady, and he would rather die than fighting g with a lady. But an incident took place that made Sanji betray Luffy since he wanted to protect t that special bond.
Why Did Sanji Betray Luffy?
During the Whole Cake Island Saga: Zou Arc, the Vinsmoke met with Charlotte’s Families and decided to work together in a political alliance. Big Mom asks for someone to marry her 35th daughter, Pudding, and Vinssmoke suggests his son Sanji as the perfect husband for Pudding. The two families sealed this deal, but the Vinsmoke Family was unaware that Big Mom was fooling them. Sanji learns about Big Mom’s scheme and decides to betray Luffy. He left without telling anyone what had happened after fighting with his crew.

However, deep down, Sanji thought he was protecting the Straw Hats from Big Mom. Sanji accepted to marry Pudding and left with Big Mom Pirates Crew. Luffy discovered that Sanji had left his crew to join Big Mom. But Luffy believes that Sanji will never betray them. He orders his crew that they are going to rescue Sanji and crash the party. The crew heads out to rescue Sanji. Later the wedding between Sanji and Pudding began. The Vinsmoke family was trapped by Perospero, who used his cand technique against them. They couldn’t fight back since their weapons were taken.
The Straw Hats arrive to crash the party, and Luffy fights with Katakur while other members try to rescue Sanji. Sanji decided to save his family and rescue them from the Perospero candy technique. He admits that he loves his family and reveals why he is saving them. The Vinsmoke Family got freed and joined the battle. Later after the battle, Luffy reunites with Sanji and learns that Sanji betrayed him to save his family. Vinsmoke Judge was proud of his son even though the whole family mistreated Sanji in the past.
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When Did Sanji Join Straw Hats Pirate Crew?
Sanji worked with Zeff ever since childhood after leaving his family. Luffy and his crew learn about the restaurant called Baratie and visit it. They enjoy eating food there, and Luffy asks Sanji to become a member of his crew, but Sanji rejects Luffy’s offer. Luffy didn’t give up until Don Krieg arrived, and they had an intense battle, but they defeated Don Krieg and his Pirate Crew. After the battle, Luffy decided to leave without Sanji, but Zef realized that Sanji wanted to see All Blue and create chaos, making Sanji join Straw Hats Pirates and leave with Luffy.

Sanji’s Famly: Vinsmoke Family
Sanji is the son of Vinsmoke Judge. The Vinsmoke Family is known for its technology equipment. Sanji is the seventh member of the Vinssmoke Family, who considered him a useless member of their family. Vinsmoke Judge and other Sanji’s siblings have disliked Sabji since he was born weak with no abilities from their family. This family technology is too powerful, and we have seen it when they retrieve their weapons and fight with Big Mom Pirate Crew. Despite what happened, they consider Sanji part of their family after realizing that he saved them from Big Mom and let Sanji explore his dream with Luffy.
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