More than 20 years have passed since the classic Lord of the Rings was released, but it still remains a favorite amongst crazy film buffs. But this phenomenal trilogy wouldn’t have been what it is without Gandalf, a man who was the heart of these movies. Gandalf, a protagonist in The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings, is a wizard as well as the leader of the Fellowship Of The Ring. Fellowship Of The Ring is a group that includes members of the various Free Peoples of Middle-Earth. This group consisting of nine members is also known as the Nine Walkers.
Gandalf, a wizard who appears in white halfway through the movie, is an integral part of the movie Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring. You must have wondered this too: why the sudden change in costumes? But, my friend, Gandalf The Grey, turning into Gandalf The White is deeper than you’d think. It’s about Gandalf returning to life as a different man. It’s about his role as this changed man that led to crowning Aragorn, which led to bigger things in the future.
So who was Gandalf actually? What was his story? Well, Gandalf, the old man with a pointed blue hat and a silver scarf paired with a long grey cloak, and never seen without his long white beard, was one of the wisest and most knowledgeable beings in the Middle-Earth. Often acting as a guide, advisor, and a true companion to those around him, he was a powerful wizard and also the bearer of one of the Three Rings. The ring of fire, Narya, was his ring since he was associated with fire.

Who is Gandalf The Grey?
Gandalf the Grey was an immortal spirit from Valinor whose physical body could be killed. He had the One Ring [Ruling Ring] that could have given Sauron the power to dominate the whole of Middle-Earth. He intended to destroy this ring before it got into Sauron’s hand. He sets out on his mission with a few people and travels through the Misty Mountains. During this journey, he gets into a fight with a Balrog and dies. Balrog is an evil spirit-being in the underground realm of Moria.
Gandalf As Gandalf, The White
Gandalf the White was the resurrected Gandalf who was sent back from Valinor to Middle-Earth to finish his mission. As Gandalf the White, Gandalf appeared in dazzling light to three of the Fellowship. He helps them to counter the enemies and even crowns Aragorn as King Elessar. Two years later, he finally leaves Middle-Earth to return to Valinor. Gandalf the White wasn’t anything like his old self. With this new transformation, he became more powerful, with his greater powers and wisdom. He was now less open and more cautious, less funny and even harsher than before. He wasn’t down to the earth anymore and applied his powers more readily. This new version of Gandalf was terrifying at its best.

How Did Gandalf Die?
Gandalf the Grey, on his mission, encounters a fearsome Balrog at the bridge of Khazad-Dum. Durin’s Bane was a 3000 years old Balrog. To help the others escape, he faces the Balrog alone. After a brief exchange of blows, he breaks the bridge beneath the Balrog. But as the Balrog falls, it wraps its whip around Gandalf’s leg, dragging him down with itself. Gandalf falls into a deep lake in Moria’s underworld. But that fight didn’t end there. Both of them continued to fight for three days and two nights until Balrog was dead. Gandalf died too, his body lying on the peak of Durin’s Tower for nineteen days.
At this point, God Eru decided to restore Gandalf’s body so he could finish his mission. Gandalf returns as Gandalf the White on the mountain top. Gwaihir carries him to Lothlorien. There he is healed and re-clothed in white-robed by Galadriel. Soon after, Gandalf travels to Fangorn forest, where he meets Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas and guides them on their journey to destroy the ring.
Why Did Gandalf Become White?
It is believed that God Eru had his selfish motives behind resurrecting Gandalf: destroying the ring. Gandalf was never a mortal man; rather, he was an angelic being disguised as an older man. This resurrection that transformed him from Gandalf the Grey to Gandalf the White, an entirely different and more powerful being, was necessary to destroy the ring. As a guide to those left alive on the mission, he was sent back to help them.
We hope this cleared your doubts and helped you sort through countless theories about what happened to Gandalf. If you haven’t already watched the movies, you can easily find them on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video to watch at any moment.