Tina Huang, a first-generation Taiwanese-American, belongs to a Taiwanese-American nationality. Interestingly enough, she is fluent in the Mandarin Chinese language and skilled at using her language talent to host a program of YouTube’s most-watched travel show, Resident in Shanghai. Regardless, she paused to return to her motherland after being raised in another country called America.
Tina stated that it was in her blood and mind to be in her motherland and to be somewhere else where she could be close to her motherland, so she decided to be there in the end as a carrier for her. When she was a kid, Tina Huang’s family decided to immigrate to another country, New York City. Her two younger brothers were born in another city after moving there. After that, she decided to move to Dallas, near Texas.

Where she was accepted and lived with her family. Unfortunately, her father decided to return to New York City because of the unemployment in Dallas. It made her unhappy to move to another country just because of a money problem her family was going through. She learned from it, started her career in her own motherland, Dallas, and is finally happy and satisfied.
Tina’s personal life
Huang’s mother was diagnosed with atypical Parkinson’s disease at a younger age. She got in touch with the National Parkinson’s Foundation and can be found at The Michael J. Fox Foundation, especially for Parkinson’s Research. Her mother swore she forgot things and even herself. It was painful for her to see herself dealing with Parkinson’s disease in that way.

She also helps the Lower Eastside women and girls with a popular club in New York, abbreviated as LESGC, which delivers community-established holistic schedules and benefits for girls and youthful women. As for being co-director of the theatre named Ammunition, Huang helps the group assignment recall the diverse and evolving essence of America and to contend with the society around us. Huang dated and married Mickey Pentecost. She is happy with him and lives with him as a loving family.
In season 6, why does Tina Huang leave The Rizzoli and Isles?
In Season 6 of Rizzoli and Isles, in the episode titled “Misconduct,” Rizzoli and Isles discover disturbing evidence that their beloved friend named Susie may have been leading a dual life. They discover it in a sweep of her flat. The ladies find a private room in her flat full of cash and stolen proof. In the end, they discovered that Susie must be a reedy politician who is using everyone for her political agenda.

Regardless, fans were left wondering why Tina left the sequence even after the issue was completed. The rumors and news of Tina’s departure from the show leave fans wondering what will happen next in the series, causing a tree layer in them.
The reason behind Tina’s leaving Rizzoli and Isles
It was speculated that Tina was not ready to leave the role of Susie in season 6. Still, unfortunately, the Rizzoli and Isles director and writers concluded that they needed to write a dramatic plot so that it could make them interesting. In a discussion of the interview, she stated that writers let her know about her role being removed from the show by her death in Talk Nerdy With Us. Huang revealed that it was not her decision but that of the show’s tea. They removed her by planning a scene of her death in the show. The show has plotted a death scene for Susie to remove Tina’s role so that they can add spice to it.
Even though Tina was upset and heartbroken to leave the sequence, Huang understood her role in Susie’s death was in favor of the larger story. She also stated that the show was a great way for her to learn about acting and other skills. She appreciated the decision of the directors and the writers and moved on with other things in life for the good of everyone! It must be painful for the audience to see her go and leave, but fans are supportive.