By this point in the series, the formidable might of the Five Elders had been starkly demonstrated, surpassing even a fighter as skilled as Sabo. As the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, the protege of Monkey D. Dragon, and bearer of a potent Logia Devil Fruit, Sabo stands as a formidable force in his own right.
However, his encounter with the Five Elders underscored the vast disparity in power. Despite his considerable strength, Sabo found himself swiftly outmatched by the combined might of the Gorosei and Imu, their strength far eclipsing his own.
Though outnumbered, it was not merely a matter of sheer numbers; the overwhelming power of the Elders left Sabo reeling, even when they exerted minimal effort.

Sabo’s signature Fire Fist technique proved ineffective against the Elders, who brushed off his attacks with ease, displaying an imperviousness to harm. United with Imu, they assumed ominous forms, their transformation marking a shift in the encounter’s intensity.
In a decisive blow, one of the Elders struck Sabo, inflicting grievous injury with a single strike, prompting his retreat. His escape was made possible only through the sacrifice of Nefertari Cobra, who valiantly intervened to facilitate Sabo’s flight.
In Chapter 1086 of One Piece, it was revealed that each of the Gorosei bears the esteemed title of “Warrior God,” a designation that speaks volumes of their martial prowess.
Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, the Warrior God of Science and Defense, emerged as the first Elder depicted engaging in active combat, leading a raid on Egghead alongside the combined forces of the Navy and the World Government.
Speculating on the Power Dynamics Among the Five Elders in One Piece
As Saturn entered the fray, his transformation mirrored the eerie ushi-oni of Japanese folklore, shrouded in swirling clouds of ominous black steam reminiscent of the Awakened Zoan forms of Kaku, Rob Lucci, and Luffy.
His presence exuded a palpable dread, enough to give pause even to stalwart fighters like Kizaru, Luffy, Zoro, and Lucci, momentarily halting their fierce battles in recognition of the looming threat Saturn represented.

Upon setting foot on Egghead, Saturn effortlessly subdued Jewelry Bonney, Sanji Vinsmoke, and Franky, their fates hanging precariously until the unexpected intervention of Bartholomew Kuma spared them from certain demise. Despite Kuma’s valiant effort, even his mightiest blows failed to faze Saturn.
Undeterred, Luffy unleashed a barrage of Gear 5-enhanced attacks, including the formidable Dawn Gatling and Dawn Cymbal, yet Saturn emerged unscathed, showcasing remarkable regenerative abilities that bordered on the surreal.
Such resilience lends credence to the speculation surrounding the immortality of the Five Elders. Their apparent lack of aging, consistent with their appearance during the Ohara Incident’s flashback twenty-two years prior to the present events of One Piece, supports the theory that they are not subject to the passage of time like ordinary mortals.

The Five Elders, undoubtedly formidable endgame adversaries in the One Piece universe, stand as some of the most powerful individuals within its vast tapestry. Their ominous transformations hint at their immense strength, prompting speculation on how they compare in terms of combat prowess.
In a world where groups like the Straw Hats, Supernovas, Sweet Commanders, and others boast members of varying strength, it’s reasonable to assume that similar disparities exist among the Gorosei. Yet, the manga has yet to explicitly rank the Elders in power, leaving room for interpretation and conjecture.
However, a notable pattern emerges in their naming convention, with each Elder named after a planet. Given Eiichiro Oda’s penchant for deliberate symbolism, these names likely offer clues to their relative strengths compared to each other.

The series subtly hints at a future clash between Luffy and Imu, symbolizing the “Sun” and the “Earth,” respectively. This mirrors historical debates between geocentrism and heliocentrism, with the World Government, led by Imu, suppressing the truth of the Void Century akin to the geocentric worldview’s dominance.
In this celestial analogy, the Five Elders, including Saint Topman Warcury, Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro, Saint Marcus Mars, Saint Shepherd Ju Peter, and Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, represent the planets. Their individual strengths may correlate with their respective distances from either the Sun (Luffy) or the Earth (Imu).
Drawing parallels to previous hierarchies in the series, such as the Beasts Pirates and Baroque Works, where ranking systems hinted at power differentials, one can speculate on the Elders’ strengths. Using the planet’s proximity to the Sun or Earth as a guide, Warcury might be the strongest, followed by V. Nusjuro, Mars, Ju Peter, and Saturn.

However, nuances arise when considering the precise nature of planetary proximity, such as the maximum approach versus the duration of closeness. Venus, closest to Earth in terms of distance, holds significance, while Mercury, with its frequent proximity, offers another perspective.
The power dynamics among the Five Elders remain shrouded in mystery, inviting fans to engage in speculative discourse until the manga reveals further insights into their enigmatic hierarchy.
Positioning of Saint Warcury and Saint V. Nusjuro Among the Five Elders
It’s a significant observation that regardless of the criteria used, Saint V. Nusjuro and Saint Warcury consistently emerge as either the strongest or second-strongest members of the Gorosei, while Saint Saturn consistently appears as the weakest, with the others falling somewhere in between.
Saint V. Nusjuro is notable for always being depicted with a katana, potentially the Shodai Kitetsu, one of the Twelve Supreme Grade Blades. Such a combination of being a central figure among endgame villains and wielding a legendary weapon suggests an unparalleled level of power.

In contrast, Saint Saturn’s introduction showcased his powers early on, possibly indicating that he might be the first to be defeated. Following an unwritten rule often seen in Shonen series, this could imply his lesser strength compared to the rest of the Elders, though this simplification is generally supported by evidence.
Additionally, Oda’s tendency to position the strongest member at the center of a group is worth noting. Whenever the Five Elders are depicted together, Saint Warcury and V. Nusjuro are consistently situated at the center. While not conclusive evidence, this alignment may serve as another clue from Oda, aligning with the earlier observations.