In the past few years, there has been a rising popularity of the music form known as RAP. Many artists are popping up across the world who are trying to leave a mark on the music industry with their rapping talents. Amongst the pool of such rappers and artists, there is one such rapper from London who is admired by fans and loved by those who enjoy this music form.
The name of this rapper and artist is Baby Blue. Sounds surprising and funny, right? Well, Baby Blue is not the real name of this rapper. Baby Blue is the stage name of this woman rapper who has decided to go forward in her music career with this catchy new stage name.
As is common with other rappers, Baby Blue is a talented artist who knows the art of composition, understands the nuances of the metrics to be used in a song to make it more memorable, and also has the talent for vocalizing her rap. This unique combination makes her an immensely power-packed and gifted rapper that the music industry has been blessed with.
Who Is Baby Blue Rapper?
Originally from the United Kingdom, Baby Blue is a British artist who is an expert in rapping style and form. Her real name is Rachel Prager, and she is based out of London. Her style of composition is deemed to be extremely dynamic and unique according to those that understand this art form in an artistic and technical sense.
Baby Blue blends together various forms of music genres to create something else altogether, which certainly leaves a mark on the hearts of those who listen to her unique compositions. She is known to have worked with new and different genres and music styles right, from hip-hop and soul music to metal and R&B form.

Even though she is talented and accomplished in her work, she still has much more to unravel and present to the world. Her talents have been unleashed now, and fans are going to get a taste of her art till the end of this century.
Some works are indeed quite rare, with qualities that distinguish them and make them stand out from the traditional works present in the industry at any particular moment. Baby Blue’s work can be said to be of that superior quality, where the listener gets an opportunity to pause for some time and pay attention to the words being spoken by the said artist. It is truly a heartwarming feeling, to say the least.
Rachel, or Baby Blue as she is professionally known, has been active in the music industry for quite some time and has given various albums and singles during that time.
Baby Blue has also had the opportunity to work with accomplished artists from the American and British music industry. Her collaborations with singers and composers have been a great moment for her work as well as for the other artist too. Some of her collaborations have been with John Legend, who we all know from his very popular song, ‘All Of Me’. Apart from this, Baby Blue has also featured with the singer Estelle and some others, such as Lady Sovereign and Madness.

Credits: YouTube
Baby Blue Albums And Work:
Baby Blue has released her albums too, and one of her latest albums from 2022 is ‘End Of Sleep’. Her other albums are Kosmos, No Days Off, Death Of Euphoria, Do What You Like, and many more.
Most of her albums are from the period 2017 to 2022. In the new year as well, it is anticipated that Baby Blue will release new songs or feature in other videos, or collaborate with other artists, as she has done in the past too.
Baby Blue is active on her social media, and fans can get a glimpse of her work, life, and new projects from her social media profiles and other online handles. Baby Blue also has a verified Vevo account on YouTube, where her music and rap videos are posted. Since she is British, her work has some influence on British culture and the ‘lingo’ in use in society. Her songs are quite lively, and all songs have a distinct beat.