Carnival Row shows how the land of mythological creatures gets invaded by humans, and they struggle for freedom and life. Some seek refugees on human land. Amid the rivalry between the fairies and humans, the lead couple dares to have an affair.
The lead couple is played by Orlando Bloom (as Rycroft Philostrate) and Cara Delevingne (as Vignette Stone). Crime drama, urban fantasy, and political drama have twists and only two seasons. Similarly, the lead couple has several secrets that will add twists to the series.
The first season has only eight episodes, while the second has ten. Gideon Amir is the producer, and Travis Beacham, Jon Amiel, Marc Guggenheim, Orlando Bloom, and René Echevarria are the executive producers. Several writers write the episodes in the two seasons. However, the series got created by René Echevarria and Travis Beacham.
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Carnival Row Season 1 Plot
The fae-land gets attacked by the Pact soldiers. Vignette boards a ship and turns to be the only survivor of the storm faced by the ship. The owner, Ezra Spurnrose, of the ship, asks her to be his sister’s, Imogen’s, maid. Both, Vignette and Philo understand that they are alive.
Aisling, the female fae, gets murdered, and a fae priestess performs her last rites. Piety, the Chancellor’s wife, kidnaps Jonah, her son, while visiting Tourmaline. Then, she asks her royal maid, the witch, to say that Longerbane has kidnapped him.
Philo was a soldier in the Burguish army, and Darius was his colleague. Philo tells Vignette that he is an orphan and got his wings cut to appear as a human. Vignette used to think that he was no more. But, as she knows his secret now, she promises not to break it, though she wants to break the relationship.
Philo’s foster father, the Finch, who was also the orphanage’s headmaster, gets killed. The killer turns out to be Darkasher, the resident of the sewer. Philo asks the witch to create a Darkasher related to him, and she asks for his seed through a sexual assault.
Darkahser will get destroyed only if its creator dies. Philo thinks that Aisling is his mother because he learns that Finch knew her in his youth. Darkasher kills Morange, the person who told Philo about Finch and Aisling.
Jonah realizes she hates her father’s politics but does not want to lose his supporters. She thinks she is independent, but Jonah is not. Portia ends the relationship with Philo after realizing that he is a half-blood. She reveals Philo’s secret to Constable Dombey, and he takes him into custody in turn.
However, Portia feels guilty and tells Dombey that she lied about Philo. On the other hand, he is planning to kill Philo. The witch informs Piety that the police held the wrong man. Philo gets kidnapped by his biological father and the Chancellor, Absalom.
Piety asks Jonah to stay away from Sophie as she is his sister. The witch warns Philo that Vignette is in danger before dying. Instead, Vignette ends up killing Piety and Darkahser. Jonah takes his father’s position though he knows that Philo deserves it.

Carnival Row Season 2 Plot
Carnival Row Season 2 did not look back while killing the characters. Jonah is busy handling the throne after his parent’s death. He orders to execution of some fauns without any trial, saying they murdered his parents. He increases the friction between the humans and the fauns.
The police officers came across the robbery on the supply train last night. They also find the corpse of the conductor stationed on that supply train hanging high on the wall. Vignette and her buddies get blamed for the robbery and the conductor’s murder. Philo refuses to handle the case saying that he is not a human.
On the other hand, Vignette gets encouraged by the robbery by risking her life because the humans do not provide adequate supplies to the fae. So, some faes die of sickness. It makes Vignette feel guilty to take them to such a cruel place.
Philo and Vignette start living a happy life, but she joins the group called ‘Black Raven.’ She gets the symbol of the group embarked on her, which makes Philo unhappy. The fae expected mercy and peace from the humans, but it did not end up as expected.
So, the fae gets rebellious and warns the humans to get ready to pay for their sins with their blood. Carnival Row is on the verge of getting burned because it will witness a battle between the faes and humans.
Tourmaline has the power to see the future. We know that Haruspex died in the last season. But she sees him in her visions. This power will help her in the battle. It is funny that Imogen and Agreus have been sailing since they ran away.
They make port only to take the supplies in. On the one hand, Agreus wants to make the port permanent. On the other hand, Imogen fears her brother contacting her if they make a permanent port.

Carnival Row Filming Locations
Carnival Row has a big budget. It includes expenditure on CGI and building streets and interiors. The studio is located in Barrandov Studios, Prague. Overall, work is done in Croatia and the Czech Republic. The Capital City of the Republic is Prachovské skály Rocks. The bridge resides on the Vltava River. Queen Anne’s Summer Palace was used in the first season’s second episode. Tirnanese Highlands are Prachov Rocks.
The All Saints church in Stvolínky is where Vignette met the Black Ravens. Rudolfinum got used to display the Treasures of Tirnanoc. The Liberec railway station is the train station shown in the first season. The large country house belonging to Longerbane shown in the fourth episode is the Friedland Castle, Frýdlant. Chancellor kidnaps Philo and takes him to the Krnsko Castle, represented as the countryside house. It is located between Liberec and Prague.
Jonnah was executing the fae in the Nelahozeves Castle courtyard in the second season. The final episodes of the second season got shot in Prague Market and the Fruit Market. Doksany, Great America, Ledčice, Kosov, Kokořín, and Kolín are some places used in the show.
Few tourists found the corpses floating on water in Kosov. Later, they realized that those were the props used for Carnival Row. The series had a crew of 900, and all except the 10% were Czechs.
The exterior of the Burgue Palace is a combination of the Berlin Palace and CGI. The interior got shot in Palác Živnostenské Banky. The Pact Embassy is the Schwarzenberský Palace. The Castle District got used to showing the chasing scene in the fourth episode. Imogen and Agreus were shown near a wooden bridge and the river in the eighth episode. It got filmed at Czech Grand Canyon. Pravčická Archway is shown in the finale episode.
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