What is the real story of Sleeping Beauty? The topic grabbed the attention of the fans when a mom asked to ban the story from schools as the Prince kissed the Sleeping Princess without her consent, and also, the original story was very darker than the one depicted in the movie. In real life, the Prince who kissed the Princess to bring her back to life was claimed to be the “Sex Pest.” The Disney Movie “Sleeping Beauty” is originally taken from the Fairy Tale story written by Giambattista Basile written in the 17th century.
It has a very dark plot compared to the one adopted in the movie. As the tale was for the kids, the original story could not be presented on the screen. Sleeping Beauty is very popular among kids, but when you come to know the real story of Sleeping Beauty, your views on fairy tales surely change forever. It has a beautiful plot, and the story ends happily, but the real story is not as beautiful as presented on the screen.
What is the real story of The Sleeping Beauty? Was she raped in the original story? What happens to the Prince? Did they end up together? Certainly, there are countless questions when it comes to talking about Fairy tales. Nonetheless, here in the article, we will try to address all your queries and will reveal the real story of Sleeping Beauty is? How is it different from the movie?
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What Is The Plot of The Sleeping Beauty?
We all know the beautiful fairy tale of Princess Aurora and Prince Philip. However, in the original story, Sleeping Beauty was named Talia. The story began when a King and his Queen were cursed that their daughter would die after her finger pricked on a particular item. However, instead of dying, the Princess went into a coma. The only way to bring her back to life is a true love kiss. In the Disney movie, we see Prince Philip meet the Aurora in the jungle, and they fall in love.

When Aurora falls to sleep, he comes to her rescue and saves her with his “True Love Kiss.” However, the origin story is very disturbing, and the Princess was not saved by the Prince. Instead, it was her child who sucked the Princess’s finger and helped her to gain consciousness. So, what is the real Story of Sleeping Beauty? How did she get kids while she was in a coma? Next, in the article, we will talk about the real story of The Sleeping Beauty.
What Is The Real Story of Sleeping Beauty?
In the original story of Sleeping Beauty, the King finds the sleeping beauty and gives her the first fruit of love, which means he raped her when she was sleeping and impregnated her. When the King entered Talia’s room, he was enthralled by seeing the beauty of the Princesss. He takes her to bed and gave her the first fruit of love as written in the original story, implying he forced himself on her and raped her. The King left the Princess and moved back to his kingdom.

Nine months later, the Princess gave birth to two kids in her sleep. Two fairies appear to help the Princess in breastfeeding the kids. Months later, her child sucks her finger, and the splinter of flax comes out. Rather than getting shocked at having the baby, the Princess was very normal. She starts taking care of her babies. Meanwhile, the King remembers the sleeping beauty and returns to her castle. He was shocked to see the Princess awake and told him about the incident. The Princess later falls in love with the King and becomes his mistress as he is already married.
Ending of the Original Story
In the King’s palace, the Queen tries to kill the sleeping beauty’s children. She ordered the cook to serve the kids’ meat to the King. However, the cook did not follow her order. Later, she tries to kill the Sleeping beauty and tries to throw her in the fire. The Sleeping beauty asked her if she could remove her clothes before entering the fire. The Queen agrees.
Every time Sleeping Beauty tries to remove her clothes, she yells out loudly as her clothes are made of gold and are attached to her body. Hearing her screaming, the King came to her rescue and ordered his servants to throw the Queen in the fire. The King murdered his wife to save the Princess, and later they started living happily.