The greatest Female warrior, Mulan’s story is based on female strength, a warrior and a daughter who can do anything to save her father. We all know the Disney movie story. However, do you know the original story of Mulan is very different from the one adopted in the movie? Although the plot and story of the movie and the original poem are the same, there are few key differences between the original story of Mulan and the one adapted in the movie.
The Disney movie was based years back, and in 2020 a new Mulan movie was released. It has received positive reviews from critics, and the movie is praised for its brilliant story that will stick you glued to the screen. The original story of Mulan was based on a poem called “The Ballad of Mulan,” and over the years there, hundred of versions of the story were released. Mulan is a Chinese warrior who joined the war to save her father.
Well, her father gets the order to join the army. However, he was very ill to fight in the war, so Mulan decided to join the war. She turned into a guy and, hiding her true identity joined the war. Mulan was a ruthless warrior and was known for her bravery. Here in the article, we will talk about the original story of the Mulan. How is it different from the Disney movie?
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What is The Original Story Of Mulan?
The Original story of Mulan is somewhat the same as the Disney movie. However, there are some differences, and they are listed below.
Mulan Was A Skilled Warrior
Unlike the Disney movie, Mulan was a skilled warrior. In the Disney movie, we see that Mulan did not know anything about sword fighting. However, in the original version of the story, she had been practicing since her whole childhood and was a brave warrior.
Unlike, what we saw in Disney movies, where it was getting difficult for Mulan to hold the sword and fight, in the original poem, Mulan impressed the soldiers with her crafted skills on the very first day of her training.
Mulan Has A Small Brother
In the Disney movie, we have seen Mulan was left alone and was not having anyone in the family to join the army. However, in the original story of Mulan, she has a younger brother. However, her brother was too young to join the battle, so she decided to join the war instead of her father.

She Met A Princess Who Became Her Sword Sister
In the Disney version of the movie, Mulan was left alone and was struggling to hide her true identity. Unlike the Disney version, in the original story of Mulan, she met the Princess, who discovered that she is a woman. The Princess was impressed with Mulan’s skills, and they became friends. Well, they were Sword sisters.
She Cuts Her Hair To Join The War
In the original tale, Mulan cuts her hair to join the army. She cuts her hair with her sword and then changes into armor clothes to join the army.

Sui Tang Romance
There is another version of the Ballad of Mulan titled “Sui Tang Romance,” where Mulan falls in love with one of the generals in the army. When he came to know about this, the Emperor offered her the money to take that home and arrange her marriage. However, she refused the money and asked him to give her the horse. Nonetheless, when she returned home, her father died, and her mother remarried. She was forced to become a concubine. Distressed, Mulan wrote a letter to her lover and then committed suicide.
Ending of Ballad Of Mulan
The poem The Ballad of Mulan ends on a happy note. After serving for around 10-12 years in the army, Mulan returns to her home. She was welcomed by her family. Her brother was a grown-up man, and he killed a goat with a knife that he made.
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