When Kana Akatsuki’s light novel series, Violet Evergarden, was adapted into an anime in 2018, it quickly became a beloved tale of growth and self-discovery through the eyes of Violet Evergarden, a former soldier turned auto memories doll.
Fans embraced this unique coming-of-age story, which took an unexpected turn with the release of the sequel movie, Violet Evergarden: The Movie, in 2020. The film centered on reuniting Violet with Major Gilbert Bougainvillea, showing their romance—a pleasant surprise for fans.
Director Taichi Ishidate, who helmed both the series and the movie, initially hesitated to make a sequel focusing on romance. In an interview alongside producer Shinichirō Hatta, Ishidate clarified that his primary interest was always Violet’s personal journey.
He admitted that he wasn’t particularly invested in Gilbert’s character, preferring to keep the narrative centered on Violet’s growth and her quest for meaning.
After reading the movie’s script, Ishidate was reassured that despite the romantic subplot, the core of the story remained Violet’s emotional evolution.
He emphasized that the movie’s success stemmed from maintaining a straightforward approach and saving all major plot developments for the ending, which ensured a satisfying and surprising climax for audiences.
Violet Evergarden: The Movie was well-received by fans and critics alike, validating Ishidate’s approach and highlighting Violet’s journey as the heart of the franchise.The film’s success solidified Violet Evergarden’s place as a poignant and emotionally resonant story in Anime.