One of the most trending manga series, Vinland Saga, has successfully joined the anime adaptation list by serving the character’s personality. Let’s talk about Vinland Saga Chapter 198. The manga is set in Dane-controlled England during the 11th century and features the frightening Vikings (Danish invaders of England). The story proceeds to focus on Thors, a brave warrior who leaves the brutality of wars and violence to reside in peace and grow old with his family.
The Japanese Manga series is written by Makoto Yukimura, and after the start of the manga- the focus shifted to Thorfinn (son of a murdered ex-warrior). Thorfinn serves under a group of mercenaries responsible for the deed. Vinland Saga has sold over 7 million copies (August 2022) and, due to its success, has even planned on adapting to a second season of the anime!
The 24-episode anime adaptation was aired in July 2019, and the second season (to be animated by MAPPA), is set to premiere in January 2023. In the last few chapters of the manga, we have seen the tension grow between the Norsemen and Lnu tribe and the inevitable destruction that might arise from them. In contrast to this, Thorfinn’s men considered the Lnu tribe as a hostile entity. Many fans are questioning if Thorfinn and Einar have been too kind.
Vinland Saga Recap (Spoiler Alert)
In Chapters 197 and 196, which were the sixth and fifth parts of the Thousand Years Voyage, we encountered chaos between the natives. The group had shared a smoke while passing and sharing tobacco. It was believed that if the group smoked together from the same pipe, then the people would not lie to each other, and thus, they could easily trust each other since it is essential to do this before the start of any important meeting.
The participants of the meeting were surprised at first to see Thorfinn have a Tmaqan but realized that he understands the customs and is a good person. Gitpi (the chief) addressed the crowd and pressed the issue of missing comrades. He had promised and put forward the point that he and his tribe were innocent since they did not even speak their language and the land of tribes was too big to be generalized.
He clarified that his tribe wishes to learn from the Norseman tribe since they have so many valuable skills and possess knowledge too by putting out the proposal to peacefully live together. The duty to translate this all falls to Bug-eyes, who reluctantly offers that it was too long and that he just wants peace between them. The tribe agrees to get along mutually. There is one odd presence that made all of the readers sit at the edges because the old Shaman, who has had dreams of destruction, was present in the crowd.
The odd feeling of something going wrong comes true when the Shaman raises an axe and runs toward Thorfinn. We get the POV of the Shaman as well when he insists that if they allow the immigration of the tribes, then all will be destroyed and that killing Thorfinn (he didn’t know who Thorfinn was) was the only way to save the lands.
Luckily, Ivar stepped in at the right moment and slashed through the arm of the Shaman so as to save Thorfinn, leaving us at the cliffhanger. After the sudden breakout and bloodshed, Ivar pressed on to capture the attackers and try to convince Norseman how the other tribe was actually treacherous and was faking the oath of friendship.
While the Lnu tribe left because of feeling attacked, the Norsemen contemplated over who the actual ‘injured were’ since, in a non-theoretical way, the Norseman attacked first despite it being to prove an act of self-defense. The attack of Ivar might have ruined peace with the tribe is the main concern now since they failed to understand the Shaman’s decision to die no matter what just to prove that the Norseman cannot be trusted and will attack the Lnu tribe.
Vinland Saga Chapter 198 Release Date
After the question of “Who the injured are?” is posed to the audience as well as the Norseman, it makes us wonder what the aftermath of the sudden attack on Ivar will lead to. Chapter 198 of the Vinland Saga will be released on 25th October 2022, which gives fans ample amount of time to make fan theories and wonder what the future of the lands will be and if Thorfinn can attain peace for the tribes.
How To Read Vinland Saga?
There is no way of reading the latest chapters of Vinland Saga officially online. But, one can buy digital copies of the latest volume from Kodansha’s official website or order the volumes physically from your nearby manga store. There are also other websites where the manga is available online.
Also Read: Vinland Saga Season 1 Ending Explained