The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Chapter 63 is slated to release on 6th August, and we cannot wait for it to be out soon, as the chapter left us with a cliffhanger. This action, drama, fantasy-based manga is perfect for getting our heart rate pumping with all the action scenes.
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic is centered around a boy named Ken Usato, who gets transported to another realm after his encounter with the president and vice president of the school he studies at. Now in this new world, he has to figure out his ways to survive while being constantly attacked for possessing rare magical skills.
In chapter 62, we, as readers, could not even rest for a minute as we went through the chapter. Usato was first constantly on the chase, first with a large number of monsters, then the sudden appearance of an ogre in the middle of nowhere, then a frozen lake, and then the appearance of Karon.
Finally, Arc appears and puts a barrier between them. This saves Usato. Arc feels like Usato does not like asking for help, so he asks Usato to rely on him a little as he is happy to provide his strength and fight together.

The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Chapter 62, Recap
In the previous chapter, that is Chapter 62 of The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic, the growing number of monsters in the area have gathered together, but they cannot as stopping would slow them down and put them in a dangerous situation.
Suddenly Usato’s friend tells him that the bush has been moving for a while and something might pop out of it, and they should be careful while crossing it. They continue to push through, only to find that it is an ogre that appears out of the bushes. The ogre is not a regular monster, and they can escape its attacks, luckily.
As they head towards the lake, they notice that the temperature has dropped, and they feel the chills. They arrive at the lake only to find the lake to be completely frozen, and now they have no way to use the boat. Usato urges his friends Arcto to take Amako and Bluey to the Miarac while he holds off the monsters.
Suddenly a strange man appears, which stops the monsters from coming towards Usato. He tries fighting him but fails to lading any blows except his first surprise blow.
A healing mage named Leo appears and makes it easier for Usato to fight the strange man, who is revealed to be Karon, who was supposed to be a hero before when he was human. Luckily Arc helps Usato in the fight with Karon by putting up a barrier. Arc then heals Usato, who has been injured, and asks him to rely on him a bit.
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Chapter 63, Spoilers
The upcoming chapter is Chapter 63 of The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic, and we can expect that Usato, Arc, and Leo head back to Miarac as soon as they know they have held Karon off as they know that he is a dangerous person to fight with and they want to escape the place they have constantly been attacked at.
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Chapter 63, Release date
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Chapter 63 will be released on August 6, 2023. You can expect to release on the following date and time as per the different timezones mentioned below:
- Japanese Standard Time, JST: 12:00 AM on August 6, 2023
- Indian Standard Time, IST: 8:30 PM on August 5, 2023
- Central European Time, CET: 04:00 PM on August 6, 2023
- U.S.A, New York: 10:00 AM on August 6, 2023
- Australian Capital Territory, ACT: 01:30 AM on August 6, 2023
- Eastern Indonesian Time, EIT: 12:00 AM on August 6, 2023
- Singapore Standard Time, SST: 11:00 PM on August 5, 2023
- Pacific Time, PT: 08:00 AM on August 5, 2023
- Eastern European Time, EET: 05:00 PM on August 6, 2023
- Philippines Standard Time, PST: 11:00 PM on August 5, 2023
- Korean Standard Time, KST: 12:00 AM on August 6, 2023
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Chapter 63, Where to read
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Chapter 63 is available to read in both English for international readers and in Japanese for local readers. International readers who need it in English can head over to One Peace Books, and for Japanese and local readers, you can head over to Comic Walker.
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