In the magical Kingdom of Amaryllis, a terrible curse has left its people in a deep, unshakable sleep. The only hope lies in a wandering prince, a brave soul determined to break the curse. Armed with the knowledge that a kiss of true love could awaken the kingdom’s princess and undo the curse, the prince sets out on his noble mission.
However, the task is not as simple as it first seemed. When he reaches the castle, he discovers not one but seven sleeping princesses, each equally affected by the curse. The prince is left puzzled and overwhelmed—who among them holds the key to saving the kingdom? With no other choice, he kisses each princess in turn, hoping to break the spell.
To his surprise, all seven princesses awaken. While the curse on them is lifted, the rest of the kingdom remains trapped in their magical slumber. Realizing there is more to the curse than he first thought, the prince is now responsible for the seven princesses and must work with them to uncover the mystery behind the enchantment.
The Seven Sleeping Beauties Plot
Living with seven princesses is no easy task. Each princess has her own personality and quirks, from the fiercely independent warrior princess to the gentle and kind healer. While the prince tries to keep the peace among them, they must also work together to find the source of the curse. Along the way, the group faces magical beasts, solves ancient riddles, and uncovers secrets about the kingdom’s history.
As they journey together, the prince and the princesses form a bond that goes beyond duty. Through teamwork and understanding, they grow stronger and more united. The prince learns that true love isn’t just about romance—it’s about trust, respect, and the willingness to face challenges together.
The story of the wandering prince and the seven princesses is filled with adventure, humor, and heartfelt moments. Whether they succeed in breaking the curse and saving Amaryllis remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: their journey is one of growth, courage, and the power of unity. Will they find a way to wake the kingdom and live happily ever after? Only time will tell.
What is the release date for The Seven Sleeping Beauties Chapter 52?
The Seven Sleeping Beauties Chapter 52 will come out on January 17, 2025, for the following regions.
- Pacific Daylight Time [West Coast]: 8:00 AM PDT (January 17, 2025)
- Central Daylight Time [Central American and Canada]: 10:00 AM CDT (January 17, 2025)
- Eastern Daylight Time [East Coast]: 11:00 AM EDT (January 17, 2025)
- Greenwich Mediterranean Time [Britain]: 3:00 PM BST (January 17, 2025)
- Philippines Standard Time [Philippines]: 11:00 PM PST (January 17, 2025)
It will be available to read on January 18, 2025, for these regions.
- Korean Standard Time [Korea]: Midnight KST (January 18, 2025)
- Japanese Standard Time [Korea]: Midnight JST (January 18, 2025)
- Australia Eastern Daylight Time [Australia]: 02:00 AM AEDT (January 18, 2025)
Where to read The Seven Sleeping Beauties Chapter 52?
The Seven Sleeping Beauties Chapter 52 will be available to read on Comic Days.