In the enchanted Kingdom of Amaryllis, an ancient curse cast a shadow over its people, rendering them in an eternal slumber. The only hope for the kingdom’s salvation was said to lie in the kiss of true love, which would awaken the princess and lift the curse. A wandering prince, believing this legend, goes on a journey to save the kingdom. His mission, however, was more complicated than he could have ever imagined.
When the prince arrived at the royal palace, he quickly kissed the first princess, expecting the curse to break. But to his confusion, nothing happened. Undeterred, he kissed the second princess, and then the third, all the while growing more puzzled.
He eventually realized the truth—there wasn’t just one princess but seven, all of whom were under the same curse. As he kissed each of them, they awoke, but the kingdom remained in its bewitched state. The princesses, grateful yet determined, insisted that the prince stay with them to help uncover why the curse persisted and how they could lift it together.
The prince now found himself living in the royal palace with the seven princesses, each one unique and bringing their own skills and perspectives to the task of solving the mystery. Princess Rosaline, the eldest, was graceful and pragmatic, often taking charge of situations and offering leadership when needed.
Princess Lilia, a deep thinker and avid reader, poured over the kingdom’s ancient texts in search of any clue that might explain the curse. Princess Sylvie, a skilled warrior, believed in action and insisted on training the prince to help him physically prepare for whatever challenges lay ahead.
The Seven Sleeping Beauties Plot
Together, they ventured on a journey to uncover the origins of the curse. They faced challenges and obstacles, including magical traps, cryptic riddles, and moments of doubt. The prince, realizing that breaking the curse required more than just the act of a kiss, found himself growing closer to the princesses.
As they worked together, he learned about their individual hopes, dreams, and struggles, and they, in turn, saw a side of the prince that was more than just the hero they had initially expected. The prince’s role was no longer just about breaking a curse—it was about understanding the people around him, building relationships, and taking responsibility for his actions.
With each step, the group uncovered more about the curse and the forces that had trapped the kingdom in an endless sleep. They discovered that the key to breaking the curse was not just true love in a traditional sense, but love that was deep, patient, and built on trust, understanding, and unity. The prince’s bond with the princesses deepened, and together, they moved closer to unraveling the mysteries of Amaryllis.
As the story unfolds, the prince and his princesses continue their quest, discovering both magical and emotional obstacles. The path to a happily ever after remains uncertain, but their shared journey of growth and mutual understanding promises that, no matter the outcome, they will forever be changed. The curse may be ancient, but love, courage, and teamwork could very well be the ultimate answer to restoring peace and waking the kingdom from its eternal slumber.
The Seven Sleeping Beauties (Credits: Comic Days)
What is the release date for The Seven Sleeping Beauties Chapter 50?
The Seven Sleeping Beauties Chapter 50 will come out around January 5, 2025, for the following regions.
- Pacific Daylight Time [West Coast]: 8:00 AM PDT (January 5, 2025)
- Central Daylight Time [Central American and Canada]: 10:00 AM CDT (January 5, 2025)
- Eastern Daylight Time [East Coast]: 11:00 AM EDT (January 5, 2025)
- Greenwich Mediterranean Time [Britain]: 3:00 PM BST (January 5, 2025)
- Philippines Standard Time [Philippines]: 11:00 PM PST (January 5, 2025)
It will be available to read on January 6, 2025, for these regions.
- Korean Standard Time [Korea]: Midnight KST (January 6, 2025)
- Japanese Standard Time [Korea]: Midnight JST (January 6, 2025)
- Australia Eastern Daylight Time [Australia]: 02:00 AM AEDT (January 6, 2025)
Where to read The Seven Sleeping Beauties Chapter 50?
The Seven Sleeping Beauties Chapter 50 will be available to read on Comic Days.