The Rookie Season 5 Episode 17’s release date is here. Fans worldwide cannot wait to watch the newest episode and want to explore the show’s details, such as The Rookie Season 5 Episode 17’s air date and streaming guide.
A recap of the show is also provided for those who missed the recent episodes, so here it goes. When Elijah awakens, Angela is at his house with a revolver, ready to make him a deal. The lady who killed Elijah’s men and made him cower in the corner is offered by Angela.
She claims to be a task team member and has information Elijah may use. She informs him that Angela will alert him when Elijah Sicarios is sent for him. We also learned that Angela’s proposal was a component of a scheme with the government.
To take care of his mother’s business, Nolan is seen traveling to Pennsylvania. When they are there, a man named Josh poses as Nolan and pretends to be Evelyn’s son. For his side in the plan, Wesley visits Abril in Guatemala.
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A quick recap
They intend to use the FBI’s assistance to pit Elijah and Abril against one another. Elijah’s preparations to hit Abril’s fiancée are overheard by the others when Thorsen assists them in installing a bug on Elijah’s automobile.

Then we see some men with firearms come over and demand, “What’s there is” from Evelyn. Bailey discovers that shampoo bodies contain heroin. Evelyn becomes involved with the neighborhood drug dealers.
Next, we see that Elijah is trying to piece everything together and finally phones Angela to speak with her and take advantage of her offer. After receiving information on Abril’s location from Angela, Elijah gathers a crew and plans to attack them later that evening.
Then we see that Stacy arrives with food and alcohol. They hear a commotion, and Josh enters the house while attempting to take her car. He is concerned for his safety. Josh reveals that he and Evelyn gave the defective military generators. Now, the military is following him because he has already spent all the money.
When he attempts to leave, the militia opens fire on him at the door and begins firing. Stacy, Bailey, and Nolan defeat the military with the help of tasers and guns. Elijah is looking to hit Abril and her people, but Celina pretends to be her to catch him.
Elijah is ultimately permitted to take the hit by the hitman, although he does it reluctantly. Thorsen smashes a glass bottle, which frightens Elijah and causes him to flee while everyone else closes in on him as he moves.
Angela is angry and wants to intervene, but they cannot do so since, if they could, they would not be able to keep Elijah in check. When Elijah and Abril finally meet, they agree they can support one another. Lucy and Tim are fast sleeping when she receives a call from a UC she taught who is making her a distress signal,

Tim offers to support her right away as they leave. Noah can escape his mission with the Army of Liberty, a militia group. Tim notices that Noah and Lucy are very close. Celina requests the file on her sibling’s murder from Nolan.
Nolan pledges to acquire Celina’s file, but he will first review it before delivering it to her. They locate Matthew, a victim of the Ebola victims, who is at home with his mistress, who must accompany them, and is startled to learn that he is married. Tim is unhappy since he knows that Lucy used influence to secure his entrance into Metro.
While the team discusses the impending attack, they invite Vince’s sister to identify him and use her to listen in on her phone call. The person who was supposed to disperse the sarin gas is taken into custody. We also saw that James and Nyla reconciled. Tim and Lucy converse, and he gives Lucy a necklace for Valentine’s Day.
The Rookie Season 5 Episode 17 Release Date
The Rookie Season 5 Episode 17 Release Date is February 28, 2023. The Rookie Season 5 Episode 17 will air via ABC at 8 pm in the US. The fans from other nations can stream via the below streaming options at 7.30 am IST (Feb 29), 2 am GMT (Feb 29), and 1 pm AEDT.
The Rookie Season 5 Episode 17: Where to watch
The Rookie Season 5 Episode 17 will stream via Hulu and ABC app at times listed above. The fan must check the hours listed here with their local time zones. Hulu will be accessible to others for 15 dollars, and ABC will be of zero cost.