The Rookie Season 5 Episode 14 release date is what the fans are curious about right now. The series has been taking us through a joyride of emotions lately and obviously, we have no complaints. In the most recent 13th episode of the season, we saw how Celina is very confident and does not hesitate to speak her mind. She is also just.
Celina always handles different people with a new vibe and with the introduction of her pair among new characters, it is safe to say that we are loving these new aspects of her personality that were not shown on TV before. In this episode, we saw that Celina was put in command of the looter’s case. She followed her instincts and hunches and came out stronger than ever meaning that she is not just a rookie anymore and is growing better than ever.
Although, Gray has had his time with her trying to make her understand that it is okay for her to ask for help from the team. She used to be very independent before and never even would utter a word about her situation however tough it may be. Although, now it is all sorted as she is now looking up to the team as her own family.

The best part about the previous episode was not all of these, but seeing her rescue the helpless girl from the drug den. It was a very risky job as we saw she was about to lose her life if one move would have gone wrong. Nolan is obviously a father-like figure to her and after she became unconscious on inhaling the poisonous fumes, especially him and Grey and Thorsen were really worried about her well-being.
The Rookie Season 5 Episode 13 Recap
Nolan was provided Celina only recently as his first rookie and thus, she is always going to have a special place in his heart. Although, the thing that fans are concerned about the most is how is Celina going to manage to lie to her mother about her job. Like she has not even told her what she does in the first place and it is not long before this creates an issue in their relationship.
Obviously, Celina is right about what she is passionate about and that is the force, but her mother deserves the truth at least given their tragic pasts. Her mother has lost one of her daughters and is fearful the fact that she is going to even lose the second one as well. It makes her so fearful that she does not even step outside of the house. She was pretty thankful to Tim who handled the situation really well with her mother and even knew what to say and do to make her comfortable and not panic.
It was very cute when the force showed up at Nolan’s house. We know that he is actually the head and they all needed guidance. There are kids at his house and seeing the force having a great time in the house with them all was such a sweet thing to witness. Obviously, Tim was late and the force did not tell him what they have done and Nolan thought he is included in the mess as well. This made a hilarious situation as he had no idea what was going on and why was Nolan acting weird.
The Rookie Season 5 Episode 14 Release Date
The Rookie Season 5 Episode 14 release date is on the 31st of January 2023. It drops out on ABC at 8 PM Eastern Time. New episodes of this cop drama series release every week on the channel on Tuesdays.
How to Watch The Rookie Season 5 Episode 14
The Rookie Season 5 Episode 14 will air on ABC as we have specified before. The series will drop out at the time schedule given above and fans can check with the same in order to always be on time while watching it.
Furthermore, if you all do not have cable cords at home because yes, it is too 2015, I suggest going over to ABC’s website and signing up. It will let you stream the latest episodes in no time online.
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