The revelation of the mysterious character Imu in One Piece left fans reeling. This previously unseen figure was shown seated on the Empty Throne, located in the Pangaea Castle at the heart of the World Government’s territory.
This throne represents the unified power of the 20 kingdoms that joined together to form the World Government after the Void Century, so to see an unknown person occupying it was hugely significant.
Yet next to nothing is currently known about Imu. Their ability to obliterate an entire island instantly demonstrates extraordinary power and influence.
Given the throne’s enduring symbolism, it seems likely a ruler has occupied it since the earliest days of the World Government after the Void Century 800 years ago.

As the ultimate authority behind the World Government, which itself rules most of the One Piece world already, could Imu possibly have been manipulating events from this seat for centuries?
Their existence raises profound questions about the true balance of power in the world and what secret history lies in the blank pages of the Void Century.
With this shocking revelation, author Eiichiro Oda continues to carefully unravel an epic mythology full of intrigue waiting to be exposed.
Unraveling the Mysterious Power and Hidden Motives
Imu’s introduction during the Reverie arc added further intrigue to the already dense mythology of One Piece. As the mysterious occupant of the politically and symbolically important Empty Throne, Imu is a figure cloaked in mystery. Not even basic details about their appearance or gender have been divulged.

Yet their fearsome power became evident after the climax of the Wano arc. The revolutionary Sabo attempted to transmit critical information about this concealed monarch to his allies.
However, in a shocking display, Imu somehow rapidly obliterated the entire island where Sabo had taken shelter.
So while much remains unclear about Imu, including their origins and true motives, their casual ability to instantly destroy an island signifies they may secretly be the most formidable force active in the One Piece world today.

What other terrifying powers does this enigmatic figure possess? And what is their ultimate endgame after potentially ruling from the Empty Throne for centuries since the missing history of the Void Century? Their existence raises intense questions and high stakes for the future of Luffy’s adventures.
Imu’s Imposing Power
This shadowy monarch at the heart of One Piece’s mythology has been referred to as both Imu and “Im Sama” in the original Japanese, with the “Im” potentially hinting at immortality.
Beyond obliterating an entire island instantly from a distance, Imu’s powers seem beyond even the exaggerated abilities of Devil Fruits established in the One Piece world.

Instead, Imu may possess an Ancient Weapon, devices of terrible destructive might from the missing centuries of the Void Century, or have some other divine capabilities. Their existence ties into the suspicious lack of information about those lost centuries in the world’s history.
It’s not just that the general population has zero knowledge of that period, but all existing records were methodically erased, with only the indestructible Poneglyphs containing fragments of information escaping destruction.
Immortal Puppeteer
The complete disappearance of any records or collective memory of the Void Century across the One Piece world seems implausible without an intentional, coordinated effort.

As revealed during the Dressrosa arc, even secret histories passed down isolated clans like the Tontatta Tribe have had those specific centuries selectively erased.
This aligns with Imu’s demonstrated ability to not just destroy islands, but wipe them from history entirely. In the past, they made God Valley vanish without a trace in this manner, the world at large forgetting it ever existed.

Over the centuries, Imu could have used such reality-altering powers to systematically obscure the true events of the Void Century.
When considered alongside their place on the Empty Throne for potentially eight hundred years since the World Government’s founding, seemingly immortal existence, and totalitarian control to censor history worldwide, it is likely Imu has been covertly ruling from the shadows all this time.