Attack on Titan has been one of the most popular anime series in recent years, drawing millions of fans worldwide. The final season of Attack on Titan has been filled with intense action, deep emotions, and shocking plot twists. Fans have been eagerly awaiting the conclusion to Eren Yeager’s journey and the fate of the world. However, the final episode of the series was split into two parts, leaving many fans curious about why this decision was made.
The main reason for splitting the final episode of Attack on Titan into two parts was a combination of narrative pacing and production constraints. The final moments of the series were incredibly important, with the story reaching its emotional and dramatic climax. MAPPA, the animation studio responsible for the final season, wanted to ensure that the conclusion to Eren’s story would have the maximum impact possible.
By splitting the final episode, MAPPA could give each moment the time it deserved, especially in scenes that required a lot of attention and detail. The emotional confrontations between key characters, such as Eren’s intense moments with Mikasa and Armin, were crucial for wrapping up the story. These scenes needed to be animated carefully to convey the depth of emotions the characters were experiencing.
One of the most critical scenes that needed careful attention was Eren’s confrontation with Armin and Mikasa. Throughout the series, these characters shared a close bond, and their relationship with Eren had been at the center of the story. In the final moments, their emotional struggles and the conflict with Eren had to be portrayed with maximum emotional weight. The animators needed extra time to ensure these scenes were handled properly, so they could hit hard with the fans.
Splitting the episode also allowed for more time to animate the action-packed scenes. As the story builds toward the explosive finale, MAPPA wanted to make sure that the pacing was just right. If they had tried to rush through these pivotal moments, it could have affected the experience for fans. By breaking the final episode into two parts, they could take their time and deliver a more satisfying and complete ending.
Another reason for splitting the final episode was to give fans time to fully process the story’s events. Attack on Titan is known for its complex themes, and the final moments are packed with heavy emotions and difficult decisions. If all of it had been crammed into a single episode, it might have been overwhelming for viewers to absorb everything at once. By splitting it up, fans had a little breathing room to reflect on the buildup before the explosive finale.
The decision to split Attack on Titan’s final episode was a thoughtful one that helped ensure a more meaningful and impactful finale to the series. The extra time allowed MAPPA to animate important scenes properly and gave fans space to fully experience and appreciate the emotional weight of the story. In the end, this decision served to enhance the viewing experience, leaving fans with a satisfying and memorable conclusion to one of the most beloved anime series of all time.