The Beginning After The End Chapter 176 will be an explosive chapter as it will unimaginably unfold the war. For a series that has been going on for so long and is considered one of the best manhwas, this is the highlight of the series.
The manhwa right now is the best in the market with no equal, as it has the same roots as the series that popularised the Isekai genre, Jobless Reincarnation. Sadly, as the series reaches one of its high points, it is going on break.
Though we need not fret as we see the return of Solo Leveling, and many of the fans are excited to see it return after a long break, the series might fill the hole left by BATE. Though, it would have been much better if the two series would have released side by side.
We would have gotten two great series running in parallel, and it would have been great for the readers. But as the case is with the Manhwa series, their novels are also a good alternative if the wait is too much.
The Beginning After The End Chapter 175 Recap
The Beginning After The End Chapter 175 had one of the biggest twists in the story so far. Arthur’s return created a spark that made everyone question their skills as an awakener.
However, things are just starting to heat up when Arthur is made known that the biggest to them is none other than Arthur himself or his mechanization. The ship he had worked on using the designs from his past world is realized. And the ones that made them become a reality are none other than Allacrians.
Arthur rushes to the scene and is stopped multiple times by the guards for being mistaken for a noble’s child. This made him more anxious and made him take out his anger on the soldiers, giving them a taste of his bloodlust. But none of that matters as Arthur comes face to face with the enemy that was made because of him.
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The Beginning After The End Chapter 176 Spoilers
The Beginning After The End Chapter 176 will make a significant return with new faces and problems that have never been encountered before. And Arthur will be forced to make tough choices as the story progresses. The one thing that will weigh on him the most would be the identity of the traitor. But, the reality of who the traitor turned out to be will be much worse as he is a reincarnate just like Arthur. And he has knowledge that is on par with Arthrur’s.
Where to read The Beginning After The End Chapter 176?
The Beginning After The End Chapter 177 will be available to read on Tapas. Due to the series going on a long Hiatus, we recommend that you read some other series for the time being until then. You will like our list on manhwas like Beginning After The End. But, if you are not in the mood to binge fantasy, we recommend you try these anime for the time being. The life of life series mentioned in the list is a good break from the norm, especially for those who want a little break from everyday life.
What is the release date for The Beginning After The End Chapter 176?
The Beginning After The End Chapter 176 will be coming out in December 2023, as per our sources. The Beginning After The End Chapter 176 will follow a different schedule after the series makes a return with the next season. It also needs to be stated that the artist of the series has gotten sick recently, and his productivity has gone down.
Given that the author will be recovering as well as working on the drafts of upcoming chapters, the break might be a long one before Beginning After The End Chapter 176 makes a comeback.
Usually, when a manhwa goes on breaks, they come back after three to four months, but it could take over six months in this case. It could also be the case that a new artist might get appointed for the task, given how popular the series is. Though a change in artwork may not be accepted by everyone, the status of the series remains to be seen.
this manga is trash lmao glad it’s gone. hope it doesn’t come back.
Imma be honest I dunno if this series is coming back
Just get someone else to draw it and over see it. Drawing inst brain surgery.
@hhf you really don’t have to comment that you dislike the manhwa and that you hope it doesn’t come back like please- no one asked. Like if you don’t like it, you don’t like it no need to tell everyone ????????????
@hhf no one cares about you opinion