The Creator of Tokyo Revengers, “Ken Wakui” Initially Attempted to Publish His Work in Shonen Jump
In the competitive world of manga creation, aspiring artists face an uphill battle to get their series published. Each year, ...
Tokyo Revengers | © Ken Wakui |
Tokyo RevengersAnime | Manga | Movies Created by Ken Wakui Main Characters Takemichi Hanagaki, Naoto Tachibana, Manjiro Sano (Mikey), Ken Ryuguji (Draken), Hinata Tachibana, Atsushi Sendou (Akkun) Actors/Voice Actors Yūki Shin, Azumi Waki, Ryota Ohsaka, Yū Hayashi, Kengo Kawanishi Genre Shonen, Drama, Supernatural, Delinquent Manga Release Date March 1, 2017 Anime Release Date April 11, 2021 Seasons 1, 2 Total Anime Episodes 37 episodes across 2 seasons Movies Tokyo Revengers (2021), Tokyo Revengers: Live Action Movie (2021), Tokyo Revengers 2: Bloody Halloween-hen -Unmei- (2023), Tokyo Revengers 2: Bloody Halloween-hen -Kessen- (2023) Total Manga Chapters 278 chapters Manga Sales 70 million copies (as of September 2023) Streaming Platform Netflix, Crunchyroll |
In the competitive world of manga creation, aspiring artists face an uphill battle to get their series published. Each year, ...
Renowned manga artist Ken Wakui, best known for his work on Tokyo Revengers, is gearing up to launch a new ...
As the finale of Tokyo Revengers Season 3 approaches, fans are ready to see the final showdown between our main ...
Takemichi's brave heart and his resolve to win and protect his friends are the one driving force that never sees ...
At its core, the intensifying conflict between Toman and Tenjiku is fueled by personal tragedy and loss. Takemichi's motivations trace ...
Tokyo Revengers Season 3 Episode 7 has begun the anticipated showdown that everyone has been waiting for since the beginning ...
In the previous episode, we saw the intricate web of Kisaki's schemes unravel. In this episode, Kisaki delves into his unrelenting quest ...
We now have the results for the best Anime for the last week of October, and you won’t believe what ...
Time travel stories are a big hit when done right, as the mechanics related to it have many doors of ...
The newest installment of the gripping show shocked viewers as hidden truths about the Tokyo Manji group emerged. Takemichi's suspicions ...
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