Sukuna is undoubtedly one of the most evil and fear-inducing villains in recent anime history. Despite his relatively brief screen time so far in Jujutsu Kaisen, his cruel actions and formidable cursed powers have already cemented his reputation.
What makes Sukuna so unnerving is that he possesses tremendous strength – arguably the greatest jujutsu sorcerer ever. His signature ability is his Domain Expansion technique Malevolent Shrine, which was fully unveiled in season two with devastating impact.
Through the Malevolent Shrine, Sukuna can completely overwhelm opponents with merciless attacks.
Intriguingly, the hand sign Sukuna uses to activate his Domain Expansion has mythological ties to evil spirits and rituals. This grim backstory surrounding even minor details like his hand gesture further highlights Sukuna’s malevolence and immoral nature.

It’s very fitting for such an unapologetically vicious villain.
In short, while still shrouded in some mystery, Sukuna has already proven himself to be exceptionally powerful and wicked. His myth-laden abilities and lack of empathy make him a frightening foe in Jujutsu Kaisen.
Unleashing the Nightmarish Domain Expansion in Jujutsu Kaisen
When Sukuna activates the Malevolent Shrine, he transports his opponents into a disturbing, otherworldly setting centered around a misshapen Buddhist shrine – clearly a place of evil spirits rather than sanctity. The ground is littered with ominous bull skulls and the surrounding waters are dark and murky.

This nightmarish domain reflects Sukuna’s cruel nature. His attacks here are virtually unavoidable, slicing through anything in their path until only dust remains behind. Victims stand little chance as Malevolent Shrine steadily disintegrates them.
Moreover, Sukuna can manipulate the domain to expand without boundaries, creating more space to torment his enemies. Between the guaranteed hits and sprawling reach, Malevolent Shrine is a tremendously lethal technique.

Sukuna’s mastery of this vicious Domain Expansion, with its demonic shrine at the core, shows he is no ordinary villain. His power and wickedness appear nearly peerless in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe thus far.
Just the visualization of the Malevolent Shrine and its relentless attacks capture Sukuna’s identity as a remorseless, demonic entity.
The Sinister Binding Vow and Mythical Hand Signs that Define the King of Curses
Not only is Malevolent Shrine an overwhelmingly lethal Domain Expansion, but Sukuna has made an insidious binding vow to expand its reach even further. By leaving the barrier open, he can extend the guaranteed-hit attacks to a staggering radius of almost 200 meters.

This vow gives targets no escape while allowing Sukuna himself a way out of the nightmarish domain.
Even a subtle detail like the unique hand sign Sukuna uses to activate his Domain Expansion has a deeper meaning.
This gesture has mythological ties to sinister rituals and dark magic, nicely matching Sukuna’s evil nature.
Truly every aspect of Malevolent Shrine and Sukuna’s related abilities showcase what a threat he poses to anyone facing off against him. He can dismantle foes in a wide range before they even have a chance to counter.

Between the mystical hand sign, the demonic setting, and the binding vow loophole, Malevolent Shrine is a virtuosically villainous technique.
With skills like these, it is no wonder Sukuna is renowned as the undisputed King of Curses. Just his Domain Expansion alone with its lethal guaranteed hits could likely overpower any opponent.
Sukuna has crafted a Malevolent Shrine to basically ensure him victory anytime he cares to invoke it. That level of power and cunning cannot be ignored.
Sukuna’s Malevolent Shrine
The hand gesture Sukuna uses to unleash his infamous Malevolent Shrine technique has deeper mythological ties fitting his villainous nature. Typically in jujutsu sorcery, the specific hand signs used to activate Domain Expansions relate back to Buddhist motifs.

However, Sukuna’s sign, while still Buddhistic in nature, alludes instead to Enma-ten – the feared King of Hell itself. Also known as Yama, Enma-ten decides the afterlife fates of souls, much like the devil.
Legends tell that, like Sukuna, Yama was once human before becoming an entity to be dreaded.
This connection to condemnatory underworld gods epitomizes the terror of Sukuna’s strength and lack of mercy. Even Sukuna’s name “Ryoumen” translates loosely to “double-faced”, suggesting two personas – his human guise as host Yuji Itadori, and his true form as the merciless King of Curses spreading chaos.

So while the name Malevolent Shrine and its lethal, inescapable attacks clearly showcase Sukuna’s ruthlessness, so too does this subtle backstory around his Domain hand sign.
The mythological ties to Yama and the underworld perfectly encapsulate the uncompromising darkness dwelling within Yuji in Sukuna’s guise. Every detail contributes to solidifying Sukuna as a top-tier villain not to be underestimated.
More About Sukuna’s Domain Expansion
The space Sukuna transports enemies into with Malevolent Shrine is centered around a deformed, hellish imitation of a Buddhist shrine. Ominous bull-like skulls litter the dark waters surrounding the structure. Even the shrine’s roof sprouts horned protrusions, with hanging human skulls only adding to the nightmarish ambiance.

The entrances to this unholy shrine take the form of large, grotesque mouths lined with teeth and tongues – almost appearing ready to consume any who dare enter. Clearly, this is no sacred place, but rather a space designed to inflict suffering while encapsulating Sukuna’s demonic nature.
Within the Malevolent Shrine, Sukuna has complete dominion over the fates of his victims. His slashes come in two varieties – Cleave and Dismantle – both with lethal, inescapable accuracy.

While Cleave is reserved for living beings, Dismantle decays inanimate matter. Layer by layer, the attacks chip away at all existence within Malevolent Shrine’s bounds until utter eradication.
Only Sukuna sustaining major injury himself or manually disengaging the domain can halt this onslaught once triggered. The attacks continue relentlessly without tiring otherwise. Such absolute destructive power at Sukuna’s fingertips only magnifies his villainous threat level in Jujutsu Kaisen.
The Terrifying Power of Unbounded Expansion and Indomitable Domain Control
As if Malevolent Shrine wasn’t already an overwhelmingly lethal domain, Sukuna can manipulate its confines to his advantage. Using his divine talents, he can enlarge the space without needing to close and recreate the barrier.

This expansion reaches astonishing magnitudes, with the guaranteed-hit attack radius extending up to 200 meters.
By leaving the barrier open as he expands, Sukuna establishes a binding vow allowing him an escape route if needed. Yet this vow also empowers Malevolent Shrine’s attacks to sweep across entire city blocks if Sukuna wishes. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide from its indiscriminate slashes.
Additionally, Malevolent Shrine lacks the outer shell encapsulating most Domain Expansions. This means it cannot be canceled by simply destroying that shell, as with Gojo’s Unlimited Void.

The only way to stop Malevolent Shrine is to injure Sukuna so gravely that he loses the strength to maintain the dimension.
So not only can victims not flee the domain’s exponentially growing bounds, but they also cannot penetrate inside to disrupt its source either. Truly Sukuna has crafted virtually an impregnable space where he reigns supreme over life and death.
His foes face obliteration with hardly any counter available – a position perfectly suiting the undisputed King of Curses.
A Terrifying Display of True Jujutsu Sorcery, Unleashed Precision, and Ruthless Versatility
As a master of Domain Expansions, Sukuna’s Malevolent Shrine stands among the elite, rivaling even Gojo’s Unlimited Void. Wielding just two fingers, Sukuna instantly shredded a formidable Finger Bearer curse after opening his domain – a casual display of “true jujutsu” sorcery.

Later in Shibuya, Sukuna battled the adaptable Mahoraga within his expanded domain. To counter Mahoraga’s evolution while avoiding harm to ally Megumi, Sukuna unleashed a flood of Cleave and Dismantle slashes across a 140-meter radius. This nimble manipulation continued wounding Mahoraga while innocents perished in droves, including the mutilation of Toge Inumaki.
Such precise handling and devastating impacts truly showcase Malevolent Shrine’s potency when mastered by the King of Curses himself. Sukuna times his usage carefully rather than overexerting, effortlessly adjusting the domain’s range and lethality to outpace each new opponent. In his hands, Malevolent Shrine becomes a versatile tool of destruction.

Whether immediately overwhelming lesser foes or strategically conquering durable ones, Sukuna leverages his Malevolent Shrine to terrifying effects. Few could hope to survive an onslaught from this ruthless domain, let alone counterattack. Such power cements Sukuna’s status as an apex villain within Jujutsu Kaisen’s ranks.
Malevolent Shrine’s Pinnacle Display in a Battle of Domains
Arguably Sukuna’s greatest display of Malevolent Shrine’s power occurred during his long-awaited clash with fellow jujutsu master Gojo. Sukuna expanded his domain three times over the fight’s course – proving its mutability against Gojo’s equally formidable Unlimited Void.

During their first exchange, Malevolent Shrine’s range exceeded Unlimited Void’s barriers, allowing Sukuna’s slashes to crush Gojo’s domain and land direct hits. This demonstrated the Malevolent Shrine’s power attacking an outer shell.
Sukuna also leveraged binding vows to alter conditions – removing the guaranteed hit within Unlimited Void in one expansion, condensing the range in another to bolster piercing strength against Gojo’s reinforced barriers.

Each wizard pushed their domain to the limits in turn, with Sukuna managing to collapse Unlimited Void twice through sheer offensive pressure. By the third expansion, both domains shattered simultaneously from accumulated damage over the nonstop three-minute onslaught.