Hu Weiyong requested Lianhu to testify about his son’s wrongdoings in front of the ministers in the previous chapter.
Readers are curious to find out how Lianhu would deal with the people of the palace in The Second Life of Dongfang Bubai Chapter 19.
Lianhu confronted the bandit to tell him who ordered him to ambush them. But before he could tell Lianhu anything, The other bandits ordered everyone to retreat.
They threw smoke bombs around all of them, and Yingying warned Lianhu to avoid the bombs. Lianhu did not pay attention to Yingying’s warning and decided to follow those people instead.
Lianhu had already seen that there were a total of four people on the run. Lianhu knew that all of them were much stronger than Lee Gwansam.
However, since his master and brother were not around, nobody was going to stop him from going all out. Lianhu was planning to pay back the bandits for attacking Dongfang Dubai without knowing anything.

The bandit told his man to go and stop Lianhu, but Lianhu ended up killing him. Lianhu was not impressed that the bandit threw away his subordinates.
He believed that the bandit had no right to stand at the top after being a scoundrel. The bandit begged Lianhu to spare his life; Lianhu was not planning to let him escape so easily.
He again asked the bandit who ordered the ambush about them. Lianhu could not find out who was behind it and returned to meet Yingying.
Because they put up a good fight, Lianhu was suspicious of Yingying and asked him if he was hiding something from him.
Yingying told him he did not know what he was talking about. Lianhu believed that Yingying’s master was trying to pull a trick by calling him to Nanjing.
Yingying warned Lianhu to use his words wisely and mentioned that his master was an incredibly wise and virtuous man.
They only selflessly strived to serve their nation, so Yingying made it clear that he was not going to tolerate an insult against his master.
Lianhu figured out that Yingying was willing to do anything for his master. Yingying was not sure what Lianhu was trying to do and advised him not to reach any conclusions on his own.
Lianhu confessed to Yingying that he knew Yingying had hidden the fact that he came together with the thugs from the great Namgoong clan last time.

Lianhu told Yingying to tell him what he was scheming. Yingying apologized to Lianhu for the matter and explained that he was planning to send him to the court of judicial review and report him.
But his master told him to bring Lianhu to him, so he just followed his orders. Lianhu told him he was still trying to save his master’s face, even when he was about to die.
Lianhu mentioned that, even though he was Japanese, he was quite loyal to his master. Yingying was not sure how Lianhu knew he was Japanese.
Lianhu told him that he could tell from the moment he first looked at him that Yingying was Japanese. Lianhu left with his horse, and Yingying told him to wait for him.
But Lianhu did not pay any attention to him. Lianhu and Yingying reached the imperial palace of Nanjing; they had to get off their horses to enter the palace.
Yingying advised Lianhuto to stay inside a room and informed him that the people who were staying inside the palace were all high-ranking officials.
Release Date & Where To Read
Second Life of Dongfang Bubai Chapter 19 is expected to be released on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 9:30 AM KST. The international schedule is as follows:
- Canada Time: 7:30 PM on Tuesday, November 28, 2023
- Pacific Time: 4:30 PM on Tuesday, November 28, 2023
- Australian Time: 11:30 AM on Wednesday, November 29, 2023
- Greenwich Time: 12:30 AM Wednesday, November 29, 2023
- Korean Time: 9:30 AM on Wednesday, November 29, 2023
- Central Time: 6:30 PM on Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Readers can find the Second Life of Dongfang Bubai Chapter 19 Raw on Kakao Webtoon.