A new Rick and Morty spin-off anime is set to premiere later this year, bringing fresh excitement to fans. Although Rick and Morty Season 8 won’t air until 2025, viewers can anticipate the anime’s release on Adult Swim and Max. Recently, Warner Bros.
Discovery shared intriguing story details during their upfront presentation, showing what’s in store. Titled Rick and Morty: The Anime, the series is about Rick’s adventures in a pseudo-multiverse, Summer aiding Space Beth against the Galactic Federation, and Morty’s intriguing encounter with a mysterious temporal being.
The anime boasts a talented team, including Sou Ki as CGI director and Kaori Kobayashi as special effects supervisor. While Japanese audio and English subtitles will be available, the voice cast remains unconfirmed.
With its unique take on the beloved characters, Rick and Morty: The Anime promises a fresh and exciting addition to the franchise, eagerly anticipated by fans.