Chapter 68 of Pure Villian reveals the conversation between Rosa Park and Doryeong Han. As we saw in the previous Chapter, Jin was trying to protect Han from Black Dog, who (Dog) believed Han was dangerous and didn’t know if he returned to normal or not. And leaving him like this is no good. But Jin suggests she shouldn’t move or else be ready for punishment. Jin was doing everything he could to protect Han at all costs.
We later found that the Black Dog was actually Park Rosa. All those present, both in person and watching live, were amazed to learn that Black Dog was actually Rosa Parks. Later, Jin arrests Officer Rosa and advises her to remain silent.
Because whatever you say can be used against her in court. At last, Doryeong Han confessed his feelings for her. He suggests she should run because he is going to protect her.
Pure Villain is the up-rising romance-comedy manga series by Seyoon. A total of sixty-seven chapters are available, and chapter sixty-eight is the next in the manga series.
In the next chapter, we see the conversation between Rosa Park and Doryeong Han. If you’re desperately looking for the release of the next chapter of Pure Villian, you can stop worrying. The aim of this article is to provide information on the release date and where to read Chapter 68, along with potential spoilers.
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Pure Villain Chapter 67 Recap
Jin was uncovering Black Dog, who was on the list of the most wanted criminals. Everyone, including Doryeong Han, was shocked after discovering the Black Dog was an Officier Rosa Parker. Jin arrested Officer Rosa Parker for committing the crime.

He even suggests she should remain silent till the court hearing. Or else whatever he says can be used against her in court. Rosa Parker wonders if she should beat them up and run away. It was one of the best ways to escape this situation. But now her face has been exposed, she can’t do so. The people had already acknowledged that she was the Black Dog.
Jin says that Doryeong Han was bait to arrest her. Jin suggests she can consult her lawyer. And she can have them speak on her behalf when questioned her.” Doryeong Han then grabs Rosa Parker’s hand and takes her away.
In the next panel, we see Han Doryung and Park-Black Dog disappear! People were wondering what Han did. Some say, “He attacked Black.” But are unsure about it. According to Jin, Han was trying to get rid of Rosa Parker himself.
Afterward, we see Rosa and Doryung in an apartment having a conversation. Doryung was confused as he didn’t understand why Rosa had done this to him.

She says, “I didn’t have bad intentions.” He further asked her the reason for wearing this. He says, Even though I managed to find a way for you not to have a bad reputation.” Afterward, we see Han in a police uniform talking with another officer about Rosa. He asked why Rosa lied.
Doryung says, “The story about Black Dog you were telling about at your house? Tell me about it again.” According to another officer, “He believes black Dog has no intention of hurting you at all.” Doryung did some research and discovered that the Black Dog was Rosa Park. Afterward, we see a flashback of Doryung, where he shares some romantic moments with Rosa Park. He wonders what she wants from him.
He says, “Does Rosa really not have the intention to hurt him?” Rosa is a criminal. He asked her the reason for hiding her identity from him. She says, “You could’ve arrested me.” At last, we discovered that the Doryung has a feeling for Rosa Park. He says, “I like you.”
Though he knew the Black Dog was Rosa Parks, he couldn’t arrest her. He says, “I’m sorry for forcing you to become a special police officer.” Afterward, we see that the Doryung wants to hide the fact that the Black Dog is Rosa Park. The chapter ends with Doryung telling Rosa to run for her life. He will try to buy her some time.
Pure Villain Chapter 68 Spoilers
In the upcoming chapter of Pure Villian, we will see the conversation between Rosa and Doryung. At the same time, Rosa running for her life while Doryung fights with his fellows to buy some time for her escape.
Pure Villain Chapter 68: Release Date and Time
The upcoming Pure Villain Chapter 68 is scheduled to be out for the fans to read on September 27, 2023.
- Japanese Standard Time: 09:00 AM on Wednesday, September 27, 2023
- Indian Standard Time: 05:30 AM on Wednesday, September 27, 2023
- Central European Time: 02:00 AM on Wednesday, September 27, 2023
- New York: 08:00 PM on Sunday, September 26, 2023
- Australian Capital Territory: 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 27, 2023
- Eastern Indonesian Time: 07:00 AM on Wednesday, September 27, 2023
- Singapore Standard Time: 08:00 AM on Wednesday, September 27, 2023
- Pacific Time: 05:00 PM on Wednesday, September 26, 2023
- Eastern European Time: 02:00 AM on Wednesday, September 27, 2023
- Philippines Standard Time: 08:00 AM on Wednesday, September 27, 2023
- Korean Standard Time: 09:00 AM on Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Where To Read Pure Villain Chapter 68?
You can read the upcoming Pure Villain Chapter 68 at the time and dates mentioned on Naver.
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