The renowned manga series One Piece has recently entered a brief hiatus, leaving fans eager for its return. Following the release of Chapter 1130 and 1132, the series took a two-week break, with Chapter 1132 scheduled for release on November 24, 2024.
Creator Eiichiro Oda has been candid about the reasons behind these pauses. In a recent statement, he mentioned taking time off to “recharge and gather new ideas for the manga.”
During this period, Oda has been watching the drama “Omusubi” to unwind after chapter deadlines, finding its cheerful and bright vibe very soothing.
This isn’t the first time One Piece has experienced a hiatus. Earlier in March 2024, the manga took a three-week break, during which Oda focused on self-maintenance and contemplated the series’ direction.
Additionally, in June 2023, the series paused for four weeks to allow Oda to undergo surgery for astigmatism.
The One Piece anime is also on a significant hiatus. Following the airing of Episode 1122, the anime entered a six-month break, with plans to return in April 2025. This hiatus aims to enhance production quality, refresh music and sound, and improve pacing.
Despite these breaks, the One Piece franchise remains active. A remastered version of the Fish-Man Island Arc is set to air during the anime’s hiatus, featuring updated visuals and sound.
Additionally, Netflix is producing a live-action adaptation, with the second season currently filming in Cape Town, South Africa.
These hiatuses underscore the importance of creator well-being and the dedication to delivering high-quality content. Fans worldwide continue to support Oda and the One Piece team, eagerly anticipating the series’ return and the adventures that lie ahead.