In the domain crafted by Goro Taniguchi and Ichiro Okouchi, “Code Geass: Rozé Of The Recapture” reaches into the journey of siblings Roze and Ash, the indomitable “Nameless Mercenaries” of the former Hokkaido block in the United States of Japan. Renowned for their unbeaten streak, Ash’s mastery of Knightmare piloting and physical prowess, coupled with Roze’s strategic brilliance and intelligence gathering, form an unstoppable duo.
Their mettle is tested when Japan falls under the yoke of the “Neo Britannian Empire,” remnants of Britannia’s royalty led by the 100th emperor, Chalice al Britannia, and his formidable Knights of Einberg. Enclosed within the impregnable “Situmpe Barrier,” Japan’s isolation persisted for four years.
Answering the call of the UFN government and the Black Knights’ Liberation Plan, Roze and Ash ally with the resistance faction “Seven Shining Stars” to combat Neo Britannia and rescue Sakuya Sumeragi.
Initiating the second phase of its theatrical release, “Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture” introduces a fresh key visual and trailer for Part 3, marking a pivotal moment in the saga. Part 1 premiered in Japanese theaters on May 10, followed by Part 2 on June 7, with Part 3 launching on July 5 and the conclusion slated for August 2.
A condensed 12-episode version will debut on Disney+ starting June 21, promising an immersive experience for fans. Additionally, character designs for Nina Einstein and Minato Sakai, voiced by Saeko Chiba and Lynn, along with the Zi-Ortygia Knightmare, are revealed, adding depth to the narrative.
Directed by Yoshimitsu Ohashi under the banner of studio Sunrise, “Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture” boasts scripts by Noboru Kimura and charming character designs by CLAMP, animated by Takahiro Kimura and Hidekazu Shimamura. Originally revealed in December 2020, the project continues to attract audiences with its compelling tale of resistance and redemption.