NEET Kunoichi To Nazeka Dousei Hajimemashita, adapted from the rom-com manga of the same name, follows the story of Atsumi Tsukasa, an ordinary salaryman protected from demons by the genius kunoichi Shizuri Ideura, under the condition that she can reside with him. Despite her heroic exploits against demons, Shizuri is revealed to be a game-loving otaku and a lazy shut-in, indulging in a leisurely cohabitation with Atsumi.
Their peaceful routine is disrupted when a group of eccentric kunoichi join them, sparking further chaos. The veil has been lifted on a fresh key visual, and three new cast members have been introduced to the series.
NEET Kunoichi To Nazeka Dousei Hajimemashita is slated to premiere in Japan in January 2025. The new cast additions include Fairouz Ai as Ayame Momochi, Saya Aizawa as Hina Izumi, and Hina Kino as Kanae Natsumi, adding depth to the ensemble of quirky characters.
Directed by Hisashi Saito at Quad, with series composition by Takashi Aoshima, character designs by Masahiko Suzuki, and music by CMJK, “NEET Kunoichi To Nazeka Dousei Hajimemashita” promises to blend romance, comedy, and supernatural elements. Fans can anticipate an engaging anime adaptation that explores the humorous dynamics of living with a slacker kunoichi and her unlikely companions.