Ever since the Gears system came up in One Piece, there have been a lot of worries going around Luffy’s health, whether that might be because of Gear 3, 4, or 5. Even though Luffy is getting stronger and stronger as the story goes on, that doesn’t mean it hasn’t affected his life.
We have seen various times in the series how the gear power has affected Luffy, whether that might be Luffy getting shrunk as a child after using Gear 3 or as an old man after using Gear 5. However, gear power is not the only thing that has been affecting Luffy. Haki is affecting him, too.
Like we see him getting powerless after using too much Haki in gear 4. If you think Haki might not be dangerous, then you are very wrong. So, in this article, we will be discussing in detail how Luffy might die/is Luffy dying in detail.

How is Luffy dying?
Luffy’s lifespan has been a cause for concern for as long as I can remember. Theories about him dying at the end of the series have always been around with the release of chapter 1044 and the massive devil fruit revelation.
I do think Luffy’s going to die at the end of the series, and the cause of death will be his devil’s fruit. Let’s ignore the fact that Luffy has the Hito Hito no mi model Nika for a second, and let’s just think about the Gomu Gomu no mi.
It has always been speculated since Gear Second that Luffy’s devil fruit. Well, Gear Second specifically chips away at Luffy’s lifespan. Lucci himself stated that Luffy increases his physical abilities beyond his limits, but his stamina is unable to keep up with everything.

He literally says you are hacking away at your life. Whether or not this is still the case in post-time skip is unclear, but it does seem like Luffy has found a way to use Gear Second more efficiently so it does not eat up as much of his lifespan.
Because if you look at the way he uses Gear Second in a post-time-skip, it’s like he uses it for each attack. It’s not a form or a state that he stays in, which is overall just way too taxing. He can go in and out of gear second like it’s nothing new, and that probably helps with the whole lifespan thing, which Luffy is himself aware of.
Ivankov’s Hormone Injection
Then, we have Impel down. This has nothing to do with Luffy’s devil fruit, but with the poison stuff Ivankov’s hormone injection that took ten years of Luffy’s lifespan, just that one moment.
If we add up all the different Gear Second usages throughout the series, maybe Gear Third takes away some of his lifespan, and maybe Gear 4 does too, so if we add up all of that, it’s possible that Oda reveals Luffy has lost a lot of his lifespan like half of it or more.
We don’t know for sure because it’s very ambiguous for now, but Oda could definitely pull that out of the hat, and it would make sense because there are things supporting that and things building up to that.

But now it’s been confirmed Luffy doesn’t actually have the paramecia type. He actually has a mythical Zoen-type hito hito no mi model, Nika, and the properties of the fruit are as follows.
The user’s body gains the properties of rubber, and in combat, they’re supposedly only limited by their imagination, putting smiles on faces far and wide. They are the embodiment of the warrior of liberation, the Sun god Nika.
Awakening strengthens their rubbery body, and they will have even more freedom. This is allegedly the most ridiculous power in the world, and this is quoted from chapter 1044, some of the craziest lines in the entire series.
How is Gear 5 affecting Luffy?
One thing that needs to be made clear is that this is a mythical Zoen fruit. Mythical Zoen is the rare type of devil fruit because they are fruits that give you the ability to turn into something mythical.
Mythical meaning is something that doesn’t actually exist in the world of One Piece, and it’s a myth.
Marco has the phoenix fruit, and there is no other Phoenix in One Piece. He is the only phoenix in the world. Sengoku has the Daibutsu, the Buddha, and he is the only Buddha in the world.
Kaido has the blue dragon, the Seiryu, and he is the only one of those in the world or the only eastern dragon we’ve seen at least (Momonosuke is a man-made fruit).
Mythical zone fruits are as rare as they are because they take from myths, and that’s what makes this very exciting because it is definitely possible that Nika did exist thousands of years ago and has now become a myth.
Joyboy, who lived 800 years ago, the one who also had this fruit, the partner of Zunisha, also had the same devil fruit.

I think Gear Fifth is very much centered around Luffy’s heart, and his heart is providing this insane heartbeat that feels like his body is vibrating, and that heartbeat is the drum of liberation.
The sound that Zunisha is talking about is Luffy’s heartbeat. Luffy’s heartbeat is his blood flowing at ridiculous speeds that sound a lot like Gear Second, right? Gear Fifth is the awakened version of this.
Luffy has awakened his devil fruit and achieved a new state, a new form, a new level.
How Haki Might Kill Luffy?
We have seen Luffy getting powerless after using too much of Haki, and he needs a certain amount of time to restore it. I think that using too much Haki will have some side effects on Luffy’s body.
Every power in this world comes with a price, and that is the law of nature.
The greater the power, the greater the price to pay. As we know, Luffy is a Conquer haki user, and he often uses haki in Gear 4 or Conquer when he needs to, So that will eventually lead to cost at the end of the day.
How do you think Roger and Whitebeard died? We know that both were having illnesses, and Oda didn’t really mention their illness.
The reason he didn’t mention it might be because he doesn’t want to scare us, readers, about the overuse of Haki.

What I think is that both Roger and Whitebeard might have gotten side effects from overusing Haki, and that might have led to their illness.
If only Whitebeard had gotten the Illness, we could have said that it might be because of the devil’s fruit, but Roger got the illness too, even though he didn’t have any devil fruit.
However, there is still a plot hole in my theory, and that is Rayleigh & Grap. Even though they have Conquers Haki, they are still living without any illness, so this theory is somewhere around 50%.
How Luffy Will Die at the End of One Piece?
I think this is similar to Gear Second. Gear 5 centered around Luffy’s heartbeat and his blood flow, and that will eventually lead to Luffy’s demise.
This is something Chopper might pick up soon that the way Luffy is using his devil fruit is killing him, and it might be something addressed in the story.
By the end of the story, I do think Luffy may die, and the cause of that death will be his devil’s fruit. We have seen him many times worn down as an old man after the use of Gear 5, whether that might be against Kaido or Kizaru, we have seen this many times.
Just like how Gold D. Roger died at the end of his journey, maybe we will also have something similar, where Oda will reveal that the usage of Gear 5 has been affecting Luffy ever since the first use.
After using it too many times, it has shrunk his life force.

Well, I might be going off the topic, but just think, Luffy had an intense fight with something way stronger than him, like Akainu or Black Beard, and he uses all his strength to defeat them.
But at the end of the fight, when Chopper may heal Luffy, he finds out that using Gear 5 many times has worn down his body, and he doesn’t have many days left like Roger.
At the end of One Piece, we will have Luffy giving the same speech as Roger with his execution.
I know this is some absurd theory, but you get the point that Luffy’s Gear 5 might be dangerous to him, which will later lead to a disease or shorten his life span.