We have just got the first few Islanders for the brand new Love Island series, Love Island All-Stars. This is going to be seeing loads of iconic Islanders from the past 10 series of UK Love Island return in the villa together and it’s going to be a whole Love Island series with these iconic Islanders who we love.
Some of the Islanders have first been announced, the initial Islanders that we’re going to get. None of the bombshells or anything like that are announced, just the first set of Islanders who will see on day one next week.
And so I thought let’s make an article just going through these Islanders and seeing which ones we like returning and which ones we don’t like returning and any drama that we might begin to see and we can speculate about that.
There’s gonna be no particular order to this list, we’re just gonna run through some of the Islanders, probably not in series order, just a random order just to see what thoughts come up.
So for starters, I thought the normal thing to do would be with an All-Stars series where you have 10 Islanders to start with, and there are 10 series, is to have an Islander from each series as your starting point.
They haven’t gone for that. In fact, there are some series that aren’t represented at all in this original cast list. And there are some series that have a lot of Islanders on. Series 7 seems to have quite a few, just from a quick glance that I’ve had.
So that’s a weird but also interesting choice that they’ve gone for, and so far, just from looking at some of the Islanders, some of them, I’m really happy about seeing, and some of them I’m not so happy about seeing.
Mitchel Taylor From Love Island Season 10
Let’s start with one person, who I’m not the happiest about seeing, and that is from the Love Island Season 10 Messy Mitch. Now I just think of all of the Islanders who we could have seen from that series, Mitch is not the one who I was thinking of.

It seems a bit of a waste and I just hope that he doesn’t act the way that he did last series. I actually really liked Molly and Mitch at the start. I wasn’t really a big fan of Zachariah.
However, as time went on, Mitch just got incredibly annoying. And by the time of Casa Amor, I wanted him gone, but he just stayed, and it was just really, really dull and annoying, and I’m kind of a bit annoyed that he’s back.
Anton Danyluk Form Love Island Season 5
In a similar sense to Mitch and kind of like the equivalent of Mitch in their respective series, we have from Love Island Season 5 Anton returning. He again was basically like Mitch, by which I mean I was invested in him at first, and then as he got on, he just got more and more annoying.
In series five, we left him with Belle, but then once he came out of the Island, he had a bit of a tantrum with a few of the Islanders. For example, for some reason saying that Molly May wasn’t his friend for no outright reason whatsoever. Anton’s a bit of a weird one, and to have him back, I’m a bit like, “Is there a need?”

Not the biggest fan and I feel like some of the girls from series five could have been better. I know we are getting Amy as kind of one of the Aftersun presenters which is going to be really, really cool. But there are so many other Islanders that you could get from series five.
I think the problem with Series 5 is that it is so big and iconic and has made so many Love Island stars. The biggest being Tommy Fury and Molly May, who a lot, even the single Love Islanders, don’t want to return any more.
I know Maura Higgins has said that she never wants to return as an Islander. We’ve, of course, seen her return as a host, and so Season 5 was going to be a bit of a tricky one because you have so many of these iconic Islanders. Trying to choose which one, Anton being the one to choose, but not sure whether that was a good idea.
Chris Taylor Love Island Season 5
But thank goodness we do have another person from Love Island Season 5 who is also another guy. We have Chris Taylor, who basically has made himself known from Love Island and has appeared in a lot of other celebrity stuff.
He’s appeared in a lot of reality shows, he’s very big on TikTok and quite a big presenter now, and he even appeared in the Barbie movie.

I think bringing Chris back is a great idea, especially as a start-up line. Because currently like I’ve said, Anton and Mitch aren’t really those Islanders who everyone would necessarily get really excited about an All-Star cast.
Chris Taylor is because he was a fan favorite in Series 5. And he’s been irrelevant ever since. And so I think bringing him back is a brilliant idea.
Personally, from Season 5, if I was going to choose a guy, why not Ovie? I don’t know whether Ovie is with anyone or not. I haven’t really checked up on that. But I really hope if Ovie is single that he does return. But apart from that, Chris as a return, especially if we’re not going to Maura, is a great idea.
Jake And Liberty From Love Island Season 7
Let’s move on to the season that we have the most representation of in this initial set of Islanders, and that is Love Island Season 7. This, I think, is a really interesting choice because I think Series 7 is usually one of those ones that seems to be overlooked. But actually, I think was one of the most iconic Series that we had.
This was the series with Millie, Chloe, Faye, and Teddy, with Jake and Liberty. And Speaking of them too, we have the return of both Jake and Liberty. And I think that it’s very interesting because they two were the couple who started

It looked like they were going to make it to the final, and they only started breaking up during the dates with the final five couples, where Liberty suddenly realized that Jake wasn’t who she wanted, and it was a bit awkward. And then suddenly, they split off. Jake caused quite a bit of a stir in the villa quite a few times, especially with people like Faye.
But everyone was rooting for Jake and Liberty, and since they are both single and have been single since they left the villa, It’ll be interesting to see them both together and see whether anything could rekindle. Also, can we just say Jake looks so different? Is it just me?
Kaz Kamwi From Love Island Season 7
Speaking of which, Liberty and Jake have decided to also add in both their closest mates from their respective series. So we have Kaz also returning who was best friends with Liberty throughout the series.
And it has remained best friends with Liberty since leaving the villa. And so seeing cars there whilst Liberty could be tempted to get back with Jake is going to be interesting, and I’m really excited to see that.

But there are so many great people from that series, so there were a lot of people who they could have chosen from. But it’s interesting that they went for Series 7 as kind of like a big selling point. A lot of these Islanders, like I said, are from this same series.
Toby Aromolaran From Love Island Season 7
We also have Toby returning, who was also quite close with Jake throughout that series as well. And so I think out of Series 7, they’ve chosen some good candidates. I’m really excited to see Jake and Liberty, and I think seeing Kaz again will be really interesting.

It’s a shame that we don’t have Chloe because I think she was so iconic. And to be honest, I would have preferred her over Toby. But if we had to have one of them, I’m glad it is Toby as well.
Demi Jones From Love Island Season 6
Moving on to Love Island Season 6, the first of winter Love Island. Love Island All-Star is also going to be technically a winter series of Love Island, which I know some people are a bit annoyed about.
Personally, I don’t mind it as I think in the summer we should have a proper original series. However, I know there are quite a few things like Love Island fatigue; I do get that.
But from series six, we do have Demi returning. I think this is an interesting choice and that Demi was a really interesting character in Series 6. Because she was one of the ones who everyone liked.

It was just kind of a bit sad as to what happened to her. She of course got with Naz. Naz went to Casa Amore and returned and basically left her standing there alone.
She then got with Luke M, and we know Luke M and her didn’t end up working out. Luke M is instead with Lucy from series 5.
So Demi was just that really nice, sweet smiley, bubbly personality, and I think every villa kind of needs that. And she’ll definitely be good for providing that for this villa.
I haven’t really got much to say, but I feel like that series had quite a few possible candidates who could have returned. I think it would be interesting to see Rebecca return from that series and if we get a chance for Bombshells, maybe she could be on the playing cards as well.
Hannah Elizabeth From Love Island Season 1
So far, we’ve kind of discussed a lot of the Islanders who are from Series 5 onwards. And we haven’t really discussed any Islanders who are from some of the really, really early series.
I think series one is going to be one of those hard ones because it was in 2015. A lot of the Islanders are a lot older now, and not sure whether you’d want to necessarily return to Love Island if you’re in your mid-30s, maybe even possibly 40s.

But we do have, Hannah Elizabeth returning, who isn’t surprising. After all, she basically made history on the first series of Love Island by being the first person to ever, and I think the only person to ever do this, get engaged before the show has even ended.
Hannah met Max Morley in the and then decided to get engaged to him while she was in the villa, which I think is a weird thing to do. So bringing her back probably is just gonna add much more drama, and I think that’s really, really cool.
Georgia Steel From Love Island Season 4
From Love Island Season 4, we’ve got the iconic Georgia Steele returning. She basically is known in Love Island history for some famous moments in the villa. And I don’t really need to say anything more about her because I think everyone is like, “She is iconic, let’s bring her back”. So I’m excited to see her.

Georgia Harrison From Love Island Season 2
Finally, we also have the return of Georgia Harrison. This one I think, is going to be really interesting because she, unfortunately, has had to go through a lot of issues in her relationships in the past. Unfortunately, she was in a case of violence against women with her ex-boyfriend, and he is now in prison.

So I think it’s going to be really interesting seeing Georgia getting back into the reality space and getting back into the reality space of wanting to fall in love with the reality star.
Especially with that dark path that she unfortunately has. But I think it’s really cool that she is back, and it’s going to be interesting to see what she’s like.
Luis Morrison From Love Island Season 1
Also, from series one, we have Luis Morrison. This is a really interesting choice because he, of course, got together with Cali in series one, and then they ended up having a child together in 2017.
However, they’re no longer together, so why would he think it’s cool to return to Love Island several years later? It’s up to him, but I think what an interesting choice, especially considering he had a child of one of the previous Islanders. Personally, I wouldn’t, but he’s back, so it’s going to be interesting to see what that’s like.