The remake of the original King Kong movie came in 1976. It was a remake of the 1933 movie, but it was adjusted for the audience in 1970.
Instead of a film crew, this time, it was an oil company that disturbed Kong’s peaceful existence, which pushed him to move to the city. This idea of people disturbing Kong’s natural cycle has been a constant in these movies.
The role of Jack Prescott, a paleontologist, was played by Jeff Bridges. Jessica Lange is the damsel in distress. The movie got mixed reviews, but it was a big hit, making sure that there will be more Kong movies in the future.
In this article, we will take a look at the filming locations of the movie.
The owner of Petrox Oil Company invests all his money in exploring oil on an unexplored island. The group leaves Surubaya with Jack Prescott, a paleontologist who wants to protect Kong. While traveling, they find Dawn in the middle of the island and bring her along.
Soon, the group finds out that this island is inhabited, and natives of the island worship Kong, a huge gorilla who protects them. The natives kidnap Dawn and offer her as a sacrifice to Kong.

The crew starts to search for Dawn to save her. Kong, who has Dawn with him, falls in love with her and saves her from a huge snake. When Fred finds out that the oil on the island is not ready for their use, they decide to lure Kong to New York City for an exhibition. In the process, Kong goes haywire and creates chaos, which creates panic in the city.
The music used in the scenes was top quality. Even the cast did justice with the screenplay and writing of the movie. It gets ignored, but the guy in the monkey suit also did well.

The audience was well aware of the whole story, but in this Kong movie, there was an emotional bond between Kong and Lange, which was something new for the audience, and looking at the response to the movie, it is safe to say that it worked out.
The Twin Towers became iconic with time; they had an emotional and exciting feel to them, and it clearly showed that Kong cared about his love. All these elements made it an iconic movie, and it is one of the greatest King Kong movies.
What year was the 1976 King Kong movie made?
As per the plots where a big oil invasion pushes Kong to move out of the forests, Charles Grodin plays Fred Wilson, an executive for Petrox Oil corporation who finds the location of this discreet island in the Indian Ocean.

As per the timeline, it looks like the movie happened in the 1970s, which was the active time at the time of release.
Where was the filming done?
The New York scenes in the movie were shot in Manhattan. King Kong also has a presence in Manhattan in the Broadway Musical as a huge puppet in the animatronic.

King climbed the South Tower of the World Trade Centre, which was destroyed in 2001. The rest of the outer scenes were filmed on Kauai Island.
Kalalau Valley
As the starting of the movie is set in a green island setting, the filmmakers collectively decided that Kauai’s Kalalau Valley would be a sweet spot for filming the scenes of the movie.
The Valley is situated on the northeastern side of Kauai Island and gives a beautiful view of the island. This isolated location gives a surreal experience for travelers who are willing to explore this portion of the island.
Some parts of the movie were filmed on Honopu Beach, which is a beautiful part of the Na Pali coast that has two golden beaches separated by a natural stone arch and a waterfall. All these scenes were shown prominently in the movie.