The much-anticipated TV anime, “Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai,” continues to build excitement as it introduces six additional cast members, enhancing the depth of its narrative.
Scheduled to make its Japanese debut on April 6, 2024, the series promises a captivating journey into the fantastical realm of Yatagarasu. The newly unveiled cast additions contribute to the richness of the anime’s ensemble.
Eiji Takeuchi lends his voice to Sumio, Satoshi Hino breathes life into Natsuka, Hiroshi Shirokuma voices Rokon, Kengo Kawanishi takes on the role of Atsufusa, Yoshino Aoyama voices Fujinami, and Atsuko Tanaka adds her talent to Ohmurasaki no Omae.
Originating from Chisato Abe’s Yatagarasu fantasy novel series, published under Bungeishuju’s Bunshun Bunko imprint, the source material has garnered a dedicated fan base.
An additional treat for enthusiasts is the manga adaptation of the first novel, illustrated by Natsumi Matsuzaki, available from Kodansha.
The anime, directed by Yoshiaki Kyogoku at the renowned animation studio Pierrot, boasts a creative team that includes Yukiko Yamamuro as the series composer, Takumo Norita handling character designs, Eishi Segawa providing the musical backdrop, and Yuji Tange overseeing sound direction.
About Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai Anime
The Yatagarasu series introduces audiences to a mythical three-legged raven featured in Japanese mythology.
The upcoming anime installment, “Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai,” immerses viewers in the world of Yamauchi, governed by a tribe of Yatagarasu capable of assuming human form.
At the center of the narrative is Yukiya, a Yatagarasu youth chosen to serve alongside the enigmatic young prince, Nazukihiko.
As they navigate the royal palace, their peculiar master-servant dynamic sets the stage for a series of intriguing incidents, offering a blend of fantasy, adventure, and character exploration.
With the anticipation building, the anime’s meticulous crafting, combined with the newly revealed cast, promises a delightful and immersive experience for fans eager to embark on a journey into the enigmatic Yatagarasu universe