Kaiju No. 8 has swiftly gained popularity in the anime community with just five episodes, thanks to its protagonist, Kafka Hibino. The series, highly anticipated due to the success of its manga counterpart since 2020, has pleased fans with its engaging storyline, animation quality, and character development.
However, one aspect that stirred controversy among fans was Kafka’s physical appearance in the anime, particularly his revealing of a “dad bod” in Episode 5, released on May 11, 2024.
Fans compared Kafka to traditional shonen protagonists and expressed disappointment in his atypical physique. However, Nazeeh Tarsha, Kafka’s voice actor, defended the character, asserting that Kafka’s body represents the ideal male physique.
In the episode, Kafka, Ichikawa, and Iharu engage in a playful comparison of muscle build during a bath scene, where Kafka initially appears bulky but later reveals he was simply holding his breath. Despite criticism, Tarsha emphasized that Kafka’s body is realistic and fitting for the character, sparking a debate among fans.
As discussions ensued on social media platforms, Tarsha’s supportive stance prompted a wave of defense for Kafka’s character, with fans asserting that his “dad bod” adds uniqueness and realism to his portrayal as a protagonist.
While opinions varied, Tarsha’s intervention sparked a spirited defense of Kafka’s character among Kaiju No. 8 enthusiasts.