Upon its debut in April 2024, Kaiju No. 8 generated high expectations among fans, already impressed by its success in manga. The anime didn’t disappoint, quickly establishing itself as one of the standout action series of the year.
What set Kaiju No. 8 apart was its protagonist, Kafka Hibino, who introduced a refreshing twist uncommon in the genre. Unlike typical Shonen main characters known for their imposing physique, Kafka defied these stereotypes.
Despite lacking conventional physical attributes, Kafka’s resilience and determination captured viewers’ attention, elevating the series above classics like Dragon Ball. Traditional protagonists sport chiseled abs and muscles, symbolizing strength and potential for growth.
However, Kafka breaks this mold, proudly sporting a beard and a stout stomach, setting a more relatable and realistic standard for the main characters. His unconventional appearance adds depth to his character, making him a refreshing and relatable protagonist for Kaiju No. 8.