Renowned horror mangaka Junji Ito has collaborated with K-Pop boyband ZEROBASEONE (ZB1) for their latest single, “Doctor! Doctor!” This unexpected pairing has fans of both the artist and the group buzzing with excitement. Known for his iconic works like Tomie and Uzumaki, Ito’s collaboration brings a dark and artistic flair to ZB1’s digital cover art.
ZEROBASEONE, or ZB1, is a rising K-Pop sensation formed through the reality show Boys Planet. Managed by WakeOne, the group debuted in 2023 and has already made waves with several awards, including “Rookie of the Year” at the Asia Artist Awards 2023. With millions of social media followers, the band continues to expand its global reach, and this collaboration with Ito further cements their growing influence.
Horror meets K-Pop: Junji Ito’s stunning cover art adds a haunting touch to ZB1’s latest single.
The single “Doctor! Doctor!” is already available on multiple streaming platforms, exciting fans worldwide. It will also be featured in ZB1’s upcoming mini-album, scheduled for release on February 24, 2025. The haunting yet cover art by Junji Ito adds a unique dimension to the project, showcasing a blend of horror and pop culture.
This isn’t Junji Ito’s first venture into unexpected collaborations. The celebrated artist has previously worked on projects like a Tomie x Hello Kitty merchandise line and cover art for J-Pop group Phantom Siita. He also partnered with Dead by Daylight, licensing his characters for in-game skins, including his iconic creation, Tomie.
While Junji Ito is best known for his chilling horror manga like Souichi and Remina, he has also explored other genres, such as comedy in Junji Ito’s Cat Diary: Yon & Mu. Despite mixed reactions to anime adaptations of his works, Ito’s influence remains unmatched in both the horror and mainstream creative spheres.
ZB1 and Junji Ito’s collaboration marks an exciting crossover between K-Pop and Japanese artistry, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the mini-album release. This partnership is a to the global music and art.