Anna Duggar has been in the news a lot lately, largely due of her husband and her pregnancy. There have been several scandals surrounding her husband’s life, which would have had a significant impact on the entire family. They have a lovely family, and we can see how happy they are together through Anna Duggar’s Instagram postings. The maternal side of Anna Duggar is also highly prominent. Anna has seven siblings in all, but she is particularly close to her sister Susanna. Anna has seven children, following in her mother’s footsteps. Now, Is Anna Duggar pregnant with the eighth child? Let us talk about it.
A couple’s happiness is brought on by pregnancy. If the couple is going through a difficult moment, it will undoubtedly bring a smile to the family’s face. In Anna Duggar’s husband’s life, there are several scandals. Anna is said to be expecting her eighth child. Is it factual, or is it simply another gossip about Anna’s life, given all that’s going on? So, let’s take a look at who Anna Duggar is, how many children she has already had, and whether she is expecting another child. Let’s get started.
Who Is Anna Duggar?
Josh Duggar’s wife is Anna Duggar. He is a former television personality and political activist from the United States. He is best known for his participation in the reality shows 19 Kids and Counting and Counting On. From June 2013 until May 2015, the executive director of FRC Action was Josh Duggar. When it was revealed that he had assaulted many underage females, including four of his sisters, when he was 14–15, he was removed from that position.

Due to revelations that Duggar abused five girls between 2002 and 2003 and was a member of the website Ashley Madison, 19 Kids and Counting was canceled on July 16, 2015. Duggar’s public problems were designated one of the “10 Big Scandals of 2015” by USA Today, and she was named one of the “15 People the Internet Hated Most in 2015” by the Washington Post.
How Many Kids did Anna Duggar have?
Anna and Josh are a lovely couple who has been in the headlines because of their pregnancy. It’s quite unusual, but still, they managed to be in the headlines because of Anna’s pregnancy. Anna and Josh followed in their family’s footsteps and now have seven children of their own. They have 4 daughters named Mackynzie, Meredith, Maryella, and Madyson. The couple has 3 sons named Michael, Marcus, and Mason. Anna delivered her fourth daughter in October 2021. All the kids are healthy, and their family remains always in the headlines for one or the other reason: be it Josh’s controversy, Anna’s pregnancy, or Anna’s brother’s controversy.
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Is Anna Duggar Pregnant Again?
Pregnancy always brings happy news for the entire family. Everyone feels blessed that they are about to welcome a new person into their family. Anna recently gave birth to a beautiful daughter. The couple was blessed with a daughter in October 2021. Anna Duggar was quite active on social media platforms, especially Instagram. She hasn’t posted anything for quite a long time. We assume that this was mainly because she was not in the right mental state as her husband was arrested. Hence it is quite obvious of she not posting on social media.
There are rumors that Anna is pregnant with the eighth child too. These rumors have come up when Anna went to one of her friend’s weddings. She was one of the bridesmaids. When the pictures were out, she was seen being dressed in loose clothes. Hence many of the fans assume that she is pregnant. But this forms no basis to confirm if she is pregnant with the eighth child, too, because loose clothes can be worn by anyone and are trending these days. Also, there is no official announcement made by Anna Duggar that she is expecting again. Hence we can fairly conclude that she is not pregnant.

If you are someone who follows their family regularly, then you must be aware that Jill Duggar is pregnant. Jill Duggar is expecting a third child. Anna Duggar would definitely make an official announcement if she is pregnant. Till then, we can say all our assumptions and nothing is true about Anna Duggar’s pregnancy rumors.
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