High-profile people like royal family members have been a target of the media and public attention, just like celebrities. They are closely examined and are overlooked by the media and public.
After their high-profile wedding in 2018, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been in the spotlight of the public and have been a hot topic among other controversial topics. All their actions are watched and followed by the media or the public.
Apart from being the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, they are members of the British Royal Family as well, which makes all their moves closely watched and inspected by the media and public. Any reckless move can lead to questionable controversies, risking their public image.
Based on their different and progressive views, as well as their commitment concerning social and environmental causes, the couple has been frequently witnessed advocating about the changes and challenges related to the state of affairs.

Recently, Harry and Meghan were inspected traveling to Las Vegas to attend the Katy Perry concert. Erupting controversy, which had to face criticism not due to the concert but due to their choice of transportation which they had chosen to travel there – A Private Jet (Gulfstream Jet)
Their love for music is well and earlier; they have attended similar other high-profile events, but it has been fueled by controversy due to the use of private jets. In the opinion of some, it’s justified if they indulge in luxuries, whereas others believe they should be more conscientious.
A private jet caused célèbre
The couple was beloved for advocating environmental causes and portraying their concerns, but recently, their actions have been contradictory to their words, causing them accusations of hypocrisy. Furthermore, it has led them into dubious controversy.
Climate change and sustainability are a matter of concern at the moment. Private jets are harmful to the climate. They contain a significant carbon footprint, causing more greenhouse gasses compared to per passenger in a commercial flight.
Fans’ reaction on Harry and Meghan Attending Katy’s Concert
It has become a for and against case in the court of public opinion. Some have the opinion their use of such luxury is justified as they are to be held to a higher standard and also to demonstrate leadership in sustainable practices.
Whereas, few have the opinion they should hold the same privacy and comfort, which is not less different than any other individual, and the choices made by them should not be subjected to any intensified inspection as their popularity makes them responsible for setting good examples.
Nevertheless, the backlash caused by the controversy between Harry and Meghan has been significant as they have immense popularity and an immense influence on the public, so they should maintain it. The couple has faced criticism for not practicing what they preach.
Facing such accusations or having controversies related to their move is not unique as celebrities, in general, go through graticule of public opinion when their actions at times contradict their public persona or cause they support, especially in crucial issues like climate change.
Public figures should be vigilant
The atmosphere of controversy that has recently surrounded the couple due to their use of a private jet has erupted discussions regarding the privileges, responsibility, and the level of accountability the public figures hold for their actions. Hence, they should act accordingly.
Harry and Meghan, apart from being the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, are also environmental activists and social influencers, so they hold great weight. This private jet controversy is evidence of their sincerity, their commitment, and their accountability as public figures.
Apart from Harry and Meghan, there were other celebrities on the private jet, which included actress Cameron Diaz, her guitarist husband Benji Madden, and the actress Zoe Saldana. They all had dinner together and enjoyed Katy Perry’s last concert.
Celebrities hold the power to shape public discourse and encourage them to bring change, but they might also have to bear consequences at times if their action falls short.