There’s something strange in the neighborhood! Who’re you gonna call? Does that ring a bell? Well, that’s because Ghostbusters 5 was announced by Sony! That’s right, the fifth installment was confirmed by the parent company that owns the rights. And apparently, it is already in the works. And though Jason Reitman —the director in charge of the project— didn’t give many details, he has big ambitions for the comedy-horror franchise.
Sony made a series of announcements at the 2022 CinemaCon in Las Vegas, Nevada —which included Brad Pitt’s “Bullet Train” movie, a superhero movie starring Viola Davis, a third Venom installment, and of course, another Ghostbusters movie. Now, without any further ado, let’s dig deeper into this topic.

Ghostbusters 5 Announced by Sony
During the Las Vegas CinemaCon conference, Sony Pictures showed what they’re planning to do to stay on top of the entertainment competition. And they’re poised to take us for a wild ride. All things considered, they have an uphill battle. Moreover, they have to compete with Marvel Studios unleashing MCU —but they’re in cahoots with Marvel on that one— along with main Disney’s pictures, Universal, and all the other big ones. It’s been a good year for Sony indeed. We say uphill because they have to top Spidey’s success, and that’s $1.8 billion —with a “b”— we’re talking about.
To do so, Sony is laying out the big guns! At the Caesar’s Palace Colosseum, the CEO of Sony, Tom Rothman, alongside Josh Greenstein —president of international releases— and Adrian Smith —president of domestic releases— the company told what they were planning to do. The return to normality is finally here, as Ghostbusters 5 has been announced. After the great success of the Jason Reitman movie, a sequel was greenlit!
Sony Plans Big
The company really plans big entertainment-wise, laying out —as stated earlier, their big guns in regards to what they’re planning. Moreover, apart from the action and superhero movies, they have in store a Whitney Houston biopic that seems Sony’s plan for competition in 2023’s Award season, coupled with J.D. Dillard’s war movie “Devotion.”

A Franchise With Great Tradition
The Ghostbusters started out way back in 1984 when filmmaker Ivan Reitman did a comedy film starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, and Harold Ramis. And the thing became such a huge success that it spawned a sequel, animated shows, toys, video games, and comics! It was a great thing until Paul Feig decided to throw that away in 2016, making an all-female-Ghostbusters movie that —to put it in mild terms— utterly sucked.
When Ghostbusters: Afterlife came out, it had to cleanse the reputation of the fiasco that Paul Feig did. And frankly, Reitman did a pretty good job. The fanbase liked it. It did well at the box office. So much so that the boardroom suits at Sony gave the movie another shot at it, though we don’t have any details on what’s it about. Moreover, we can’t even confirm if Ivan Reitman will direct the sequel. But he might! Rest assured that as soon as something pops up. We will post an update for you here.
Director Reitman Wants To Take Ghostbusters Abroad
When approached by the press, Ivan Reitman talked about the possibility of Ghostbusters: Afterlife having a sequel. And he elaborated on a few things. Firstly, he would like to see the Ghostbusters doing some ghost-busting abroad. In his view, every culture around the globe has a vision of the supernatural.
So for him, it would be nice to see how that story would go along with the Ghostbusters narrative. With this, we’re not saying that the next Ghostbusters movie would go about it. That’s just his vision. But it’d be cool if they go to someplace exotic like Eastern Europe or South America to do some paranormal investigations. With this information, we are wrapping this up regarding the new Ghostbusters movie here at Otakukart. Thanks for reading our article, and please go to our home page for more daily updates on all matters related to entertainment. See you soon!
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