Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero marks the eagerly anticipated return of the beloved Budokai Tenkaichi series, last seen in 2007. Fans, hyped by teasers and trailers, are eagerly speculating on what the game will deliver.
On the game’s subreddit, one fan expressed a desire for Team Attacks to enhance the game’s lore authenticity. They highlighted the absence of simultaneous attacks using both teammates in past titles, a feature present in games like Tenkaichi Tag Team.
Excitement on the subreddit grew as fans supported the idea of iconic team attacks from the anime making their way into Sparking Zero. Some suggested memorable attacks like Goku and Vegeta’s Final Flash combined with Kamehameha and Goku and Frieza’s coordinated assault.
Teasers and trailers for Sparking Zero have resonated with countless Dragon Ball enthusiasts, building up anticipation ahead of the new trailer at Summer Games Fest.
While the Budokai Tenkaichi series traditionally focuses on individual battles rather than tag teams, fans are hopeful Sparking Zero will introduce new dynamics. The community eagerly awaits more updates and hopes the game will live up to its predecessors’ legacy of flawless combat and innovative gameplay.