The gripping psychological thriller anime “Terror In Resonance” unfolds in a contemporary parallel world where two mysterious teenagers, known only as Nine and Twelve, execute a daring heist, absconding with a prototype atomic bomb. Dubbing themselves “Sphinx,” they issue a chilling ultimatum to Tokyo: solve their cryptic riddles or face destruction.
These youths, survivors of a covert experiment by the Rising Peace Academy, possess extraordinary intellects forged into lethal weapons. Their intricate plot intertwines with the life of Lisa, a solitary high school student unwittingly entangled in their web. Together, they traverse a treacherous environment, uncovering the Academy’s sinister machinations.
Commemorating the 10th anniversary of the 2014 anime “Terror In Resonance,” the project introduced a dedicated website adorned with a striking visual of its protagonists, Nine and Twelve. A special campaign starts at Tokyo’s Noitamina Shop & Cafe Theater from July 6 to 28, 2024.
Patrons can indulge in exclusive merchandise, themed menus, and limited-edition giveaways, alongside re-screenings of fan-favorite episodes every weekend. Helmed by acclaimed director Shinichiro Watanabe, the original series aired on Fuji TV’s “Noitamina” block, attracting audiences with its intricate narrative and suspenseful atmosphere.