Marvel just announced that Deadpool 3 has been delayed. They’ve shuffled some of their other Marvel movies dates as a result. They also made some changes to the story of Deadpool 3 and we’ll break it all down.
Also, there have been some changes in the plot of Deadpool 3 and it is now more connected to the MCU than before. The script for the movie has been altered. Deadpool is still going to travel through the Multiverse but the characters he will be meeting could be different. The old X-Men characters still coming back but there is a catch and we will be talking about that.
We will talk about why Deadpool got delayed, what its new release date is, the changes in its plot, and how it will affect Avengers 5.
New Deadpool 3 Release Date
You may have seen the news that Marvel has moved Deadpool 3 to October 2024. It was originally coming out in May, so we were supposed to get that first Deadpool 3 trailer later this year.
Marvel’s like clockwork with big trailers like that for their May releases like Avengers, Infinity War, and Avengers Endgame. Both were May releases, and they dropped their trailers around the same time. They were going to be promoting Deadpool 3 in a much bigger way.

One of the beauties of the Deadpool movies is their marketing campaigns. I feel like the first Deadpool movie still has one of the top-tier marketing campaigns of all movies. That and all the parody ads they did for Captain America Civil War are still my favorite and they have not top back. It was even better than Avengers, Infinity War, and Avengers Endgame, on which they spent way more money marketing.
Deadpool 3 is going to be kind of like a mini Avengers movie, but for the classic Fox X-Men characters who are coming back. Kind of like the Spider-Man No Way Home for those characters. A test run to see if people like the old characters coming back, if it works out, which it seems like well, it seems like it’s going to do gangbusters.
Kevin Feige will bring back more of them during Avengers Secret Wars in a few more years. So generally there’s a lot riding on the movie, a lot of expectations. Just because people have been so disappointed with a lot of Marvel stuff that has come out in the past couple of years, like the pandemic era of Marvel.
Shawn Levy To Direct Avengers Movie?
There are also rumors that Shawn Levy, the director of Deadpool 3, is going to wind up directing Avengers Secret Wars just because he’s one of the very few directors in Hollywood who’s able to handle studio movies that are that big. It’s a big thing to handle a studio movie, like a big budget, but doing an Avengers movie is like ten times harder. There will be an army of characters that he’ll have to juggle. Most directors don’t want that kind of heat.
A lot of people found out about this a while ago. And Shawn Levy had some funny comments addressing all those rumors, making it sound like it was actually kind of true. His comments there make it sound like he’s still negotiating with Marvel on contract and what’s going on with this story, like how it’s all going to play out.
But he’s the person who literally just style-called them delaying Deadpool 3 just like a week or two ago saying that the actor’s strike, which is still going on right now, threatened to delay the movie.

Reason Why Deadpool 3 Got Delayed
The reason why Deadpool 3 got delayed is the same reason why all of the other Hollywood movies are getting delayed and that is because of the currently ongoing Actor strike. And if you don’t have actors then how are you going to shoot the movie? So most of the production houses can not do anything except for the pre-production and the post-production of the movies.
They just resolved the writer’s strike which would be going on for most of this year. But then the actor’s strike kind of piled on top of that like they were both struck at the same time. Some of their issues were similar, and some of them were different.
Currently, most people who are actually involved with the strike and who no way more about it than me believe that they’re going to resolve the strike by the time Hollywood typically goes on Christmas holiday break by the end of the year, which is around the middle of November. So it’s not that far away, but still, it could cause some more delays.
For example, right now Ryan Reynolds can actually change the script because the writer’s strike is over. He can actually make the script better, which is great. But because the actor’s strike is still going on, he can’t film any actual new scenes and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine can actually film any new scenes.
Captain America 4 Will Take The Release Date Of Deadpool 3
As a result, they moved Deadpool 3 to October. They’ve now moved Captain America 4 Brave New World into Deadpool’s former spot and that’s coming out in May 2024.
Captain America 4 will be mostly about Anthony Mackie’s Captain America dealing with Thunderbolt Ross, who becomes president of the United States. He also becomes Red Hulk finally, Thunderbolt Ross will be played by Harrison Ford. They recast the character because William Hurt passed away recently.

It’s going to set up the new Avengers team that we’ll see in Avengers 5 Kang Dynasty. They’re setting up a couple of other movies like The Thunderbolts, and some X-Men-related stuff to their Adamantium subplot. And it’ll be kind of like Captain America Civil War and that that was a mini Avengers movie. So Captain America 4 will also be kind of like a mini Avengers movie with a bunch of really big characters in it.
They haven’t fully revealed everyone, but it sounds like a solid chunk of the movie will also be setting up their World War Hulk movie that they’re finally planning on doing.
No idea when we will actually get to see that movie, the Hulk Solo movie. But there were some reports that Kevin Feige is finally in the process of fixing their whole rights problem with Universal so they can finally release Hulk’ Solo movies again. It’s like a really weird technical issue. And it’s mostly the lawyers on both sides that are holding up Hulk movies.
Generally, everybody has really amazing ideas for movies and really amazing ideas for plots. But usually, it’s lawyers that get in the way of that stuff. The only thing there’s not going to be changing in the next several years is the whole Spider-Man rights with Sony.
No way Sony is ever going to let those Spider-Man right go. They make way, way too much money on Spider-Man movies and the spin-off Venom Verse movies. Even though it is Morbin time makes it feel like a lot of them are duds but they still make a lot of money on all those movies.
Major Deadpool 3 Story Changes
Getting to the big Deadpool 3 story changes you may have heard about recently with their whole X-Men plot. Supposedly during the strikes earlier this year, they changed the plot of the movie and now the movie will not reference anything from the 838 universe anymore. They just removed that entire part of the movie out.
Previously the movie was going to revisit the 838 Universe and see the aftermath of what happened after Doctor Strange’s Multiverse of Madness and one of Wanda’s attacks. Mostly because that universe was meant to be so comic book-based. It was based on a much more comic book-accurate version of the universe, where you have the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Inhumans, and Avengers, all co-existing on the same planet.

Funny enough, that’s kind of what Kevin Fox is doing with this soft reboot of Marvel and Avengers Secret Wars. He is basically turning the MCU into a more comic book Accurate 616 Universe, and he’s been calling it the 616 Universe in the last couple of movies. Now it sounds like they’re finally going to make it look more like the actual comic book 616 Universe.
Finding The Perfect Version Of Wolverine
Most of Deadpool 3 is supposed to be the same, though. Like the whole subplot explaining how Wolverine winds up in the movie is supposed to be similar. The idea is that Deadpool is jumping around the multiverse looking for the perfect version of Wolverine. But he winds up learning that Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine is still the perfect version.
It’s meant to be a big meta-commentary and joke on Kevin Feige recasting all the X-Men characters. Kevin Feige is trying to get rid of the old X-Men actors by looking for brand new ones who are perfect for the characters.
So the movie’s a little bit like Deadpool kills the Fox Marvel Universe, but he’s also paying homage to the Fox Marvel universe. And even though we clown on a lot of those X-Men movies, there is still a lot, a lot of really solid movies in there. X2 is still probably one of the best X-Men movies of all time. Days of Future Past was still a really solid X-Men movie.
Supposedly they’re still doing the plot with all the incursions destroying way more universes way faster. And that’s the whole Deadpool that kills the Marvel universe of it all. The incursions are literally destroying all these different universes way, way faster.
Deadpool 3 Will Set Up Avengers 5
The TVA’s still a big part of the movie like Mobius is still in the movie. The TVA characters are trying to save as many characters as possible by pulling them from these universes that are being destroyed and putting them on a version of MCU Battle World with their pruning version. This might wind up being the void because that’s where everybody goes when they get pruned and setting them up for Avengers Secret Wars.
So most of the characters that you see in Deadpool 3 will not be in Avengers 5 Kang Dynasty. They’re actually separating those two movies by making them feel very different and including very different casts of characters.
Avengers 5 is more about the new version of The Avengers in the main universe, fighting the Council of Kings. And then when Secret Wars comes along, it’s more about these multiverse characters forming a multiverse Avengers team and fighting whoever the villain of that movie winds up being with some of the characters from Avengers 5 surviving into Secret Wars.

Kind of like they did with Infinity War in Endgame. They largely felt like very different movies with slightly different casts of characters. A lot of people did not make it from Infinity War to end until like the very end of that final battle.
So it sounds like Deadpool 3 is going to end right as Secret Wars is about to begin. And then they’ll just say that Avengers 5 is taking place around the same time as Secret Wars is about to begin. And it’ll be like the Infinity War snap kind of ending Empire Strikes Back kind of ending, leading into Secret Wars.
Avengers Secret Wars Will Reboot The Entire MCU
Then Marvel using Secret Wars is sort of like their soft reboot point for the Marvel Universe, making it eventually look like a much more comic book-accurate 616 Universe. So like all of the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and any other characters they want will have coexisted on the same plane.
This whole time they will recast whichever characters they need to recast and change any backstories to make sense that they need to. Like Where have the Fantastic Four been this whole time? Where are the X-Men been this whole time? It will all just make sense when you head into Marvel Phase 7, beginning like a much more core X-Men phase.
It sounds like they are going to pivot a little bit more to mutants during Marvel Phase 7 and beyond. Currently calling it the Mutant Saga, but we’ll probably get some more details about that by the time we get to Avengers 5 and Avengers 6.
So even though some of the movies are getting delayed, they’re only getting delayed a little bit. And it’s only a couple of the movies. The only big delays are movies that require actors right now. If they’re just developing a movie and they’re just working on the script, then it’s not going to be delayed.