Since the anime adaptation of Dandadan debuted in October 2024, the series has seen a dramatic rise in popularity, surpassing even the fame the manga had already achieved. However, with increased exposure comes growing controversy, and much of this criticism is coming from the very fanbase that helped propel the show to new heights. Sensitive scenes, divisive fan art, and other elements of the series are sparking debates that threaten to overshadow the anime’s success.
Dandadan appears to be following a similar path to Jujutsu Kaisen, another popular anime that experienced rapid success but also significant backlash. Much like Jujutsu Kaisen, Dandadan has faced criticisms related to modifications in the storyline and controversial content. However, Dandadan’s issues are not limited to the adaptation itself, as the growing popularity of the anime is fueling even more contentious discussions within the fan community.
The Controversy Surrounding Jujutsu Kaisen and Its Parallels to Dandadan
Jujutsu Kaisen’s swift rise to fame came with its own set of problems, most notably the allegations surrounding the mistreatment of animators at MAPPA. While the animation studio and the show’s production team faced harsh scrutiny, the series also dealt with criticism for several creative decisions, including changes to the source material and the animation quality itself. The studio’s struggles and controversies became major talking points, affecting the anime’s reception despite its overall success.
Similar to Jujutsu Kaisen, Dandadan’s anime adaptation is facing controversies, though they are mainly centered around its explicit content and fan art. Although the nudity in Dandadan serves a purpose within the narrative, it has not been without criticism. Episode 9, in particular, sparked significant backlash for a scene involving Momo and Okarun lying next to each other in a state of undress. For many fans, this scene was too controversial, especially since it is not the only instance of nudity in the series.
The controversies didn’t end with the show’s content; fan art has also stirred up heated debates within the Dandadan community. In one instance, a piece of fan art reimagined Momo and Okarun as Black characters, prompting backlash from some fans of the anime. The response from both the fanbase and the artist highlighted how divisive these creative decisions can be. It’s clear that while the Dandadan anime is breaking boundaries in terms of storytelling and animation, it is also walking a fine line when it comes to its portrayal of certain themes.
As Dandadan continues to gain recognition, its creators face the challenge of balancing their bold narrative choices with the growing concerns from both fans and critics. While the controversies surrounding nudity and fan art are significant, they are not the only challenges the series must address moving forward. Much like Jujutsu Kaisen before it, Dandadan is walking a path where its growing popularity both helps and hinders its long-term reputation. If the series is to continue building on its success, it will need to address these controversies and ensure that it does not alienate its audience.