Smile is an American supernatural horror thriller movie. The movie had a theatrical release on September 30, 2022, in the...
Read moreLuo Yunxi, as Chu Wanning, is a grandmaster of the cultivation world who is also known as Yuheng of the...
Read moreAttack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) is a popular anime series that might already be the "Favourite anime" of a...
Read moreThe supernatural horror film focuses on a woman who trains to be an exorcist and battles demons who possess humans....
Read moreA story about the lives and future of five childhood friends living in the same neighborhood. This summary briefly explains...
Read moreExplosions, ammunition, and soaring drones. Stunning visuals and smooth cinematography with a touch of chilling music seasoned with comedy. All...
Read moreMidnight Scenes is a series of short horror games. The first game was released in 2017 and was re-released in...
Read moreThe South Korean TV show Sky Castle, which airs from 2018 to 2019, stars Yum Jung-ah, Lee Tae-ran, Yoon Se-ah,...
Read moreIf you ask any anime fan about Fairy Tail, then there is a really big chance that they will tell...
Read moreHalloween Ends (2022), the sequel to Halloween Kills (2021), is an American slasher film. This blood-curdling thriller was directed by ...
Read moreThe midpoint of a TV season often becomes the point where the story feels its darkest. While this structure is...
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