The Casey Grimes series comprises six volumes, including five full-length novels, a novella, and two short stories. It promises to...
Read moreBabylon is an American historic period dark comedy-drama directed and written by Damien Chazelle. It narrated the story of the...
Read moreThe Whale is an award-winning American psychological drama movie directed by Darren Aronofsky. This movie is based on a play...
Read moreBack in the days of hippies and peace signs, before there were mega-churches the size of sports arenas preaching prosperity...
Read moreThe South Korean TV show "Mr. Sunshine" was released in 2018. It was written by Kim Eun-sook and directed by...
Read moreRanking of Kings is a fantasy anime that premiered in October 2021 based on a Japanese novel series written by...
Read moreThis compelling documentary series follows a varied group of professional golfers over a demanding season of competition, both on and...
Read moreDavid O. Russell’s latest movie, Amsterdam, is a murder mystery/ thriller with elements of satire, conspiracy, and entertainment. A director known...
Read moreBoJack Horseman is an American animated comedy-drama series that premiered on Netflix in August 2014. The show’s main character -...
Read moreA retired triggerman comes face to face with the consequences of his past actions and is forced to take up...
Read moreDon’t Pick Up the Trash You Threw Away offers a compelling story of a woman’s struggle with betrayal and reclaiming...
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