The newest anime series from Adult Swim has quickly become a breakout hit, surpassing even mega-popular anime like Attack on...
Read moreThe highest-selling manga in America during the fall 2023 period was unexpectedly Berserk, created by the late Kentaro Miura and...
Read moreThe NBA has issued suspensions in response to the altercation during the game between the Miami Heat and New Orleans...
Read moreThe Golden State Warriors experienced a 119-103 loss to the defending champion Denver Nuggets, highlighting the challenge of inconsistency and...
Read moreThe Los Angeles Lakers expressed frustration after a 123-113 loss to the Phoenix Suns, citing concerns about inconsistent officiating. Lakers...
Read moreA strange phone conversation that turned into something much more complicated was the beginning of Apple TV+'s "Criminal Record," which...
Read moreChris Gauthier, known for his roles in "Once Upon a Time" and various other television shows and films, passed away...
Read moreThat's exciting news! JISOO joining the fan interaction platform "Bubble" will likely provide a great opportunity for her fans to...
Read morePeter Anthony Morgan, renowned as the lead vocalist of the reggae group Morgan Heritage, has passed away. The cause is...
Read moreRenowned ghazal maestro and recipient of the prestigious Padma Shri award, Pankaj Udhas, famous for iconic melodies like “Chitthi Ayee...
Read moreThe iconic Sega video game character, Sonic the Hedgehog, continues his fast-paced adventures in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. The latest...
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