As the TV anime adaptation of Kafka Asagiri’s thrilling manga series, “Bungo Stray Dogs,” marks its eighth anniversary on April 7, 2024, fans around the globe are in for a treat with the launch of the “Eighth Anniversary Eight Major Projects.”
Commemorating this milestone, the celebration promises an array of exciting initiatives, starting with a commemorative logo that sets the stage for a year-long festivity.
Global Memoirs and Exclusive Collaborations
- “Eighth Anniversary Commemorative Memoirs with Animate International” (April 7, 2024 – April 6, 2025): Throughout the anniversary period, Animate stores, both physical and online, will globally feature reprints of specially drawn seasonal illustrations. These illustrations, encompassing themes like Halloween and New Year’s, include the inaugural artwork from the “Gakuen Bungo Stray Dogs” series—a cherished April Fool’s tradition.
- “RED TOKYO TOWER Collaboration” (April 19 – May 26, 2024 – Sky Casino Feature): A striking collaboration at the iconic Tokyo Tower, highlighting the Sky Casino, is set to captivate fans from April 19 to May 26, 2024.
- “Tobu Zoo Collaboration (July 13, 2024 onwards): Starting July 13, 2024, a collaboration with Tobu Zoo promises an immersive experience for fans to delve into the world of “Bungo Stray Dogs.”
- “First Avenue Tokyo Station B1 Event Space Ichiban Plaza & Hotel New Otani Collaboration” (August 9, 2024 onwards): This collaboration, beginning August 9, 2024, will transform the First Avenue Tokyo Station B1 Event Space Ichiban Plaza and Hotel New Otani into havens for fans. With a pop-up store offering exclusive merchandise, engaging projects, and concept rooms for hotel stays, enthusiasts can indulge in a comprehensive celebration.
About Bungo Stray Dogs
The “Bungo Stray Dogs” anime series, spanning five seasons from April 2016 to September 2023, has become a global sensation.
All episodes are available for streaming on Crunchyroll, where the series is described as a riveting tale following Nakajima Atsushi, who, on the brink of starvation, encounters members of the “Armed Detective Agency.”
Together, they embark on missions to tackle incidents deemed too perilous for conventional authorities.